Full Moon April 7th, 2020 - Watch People's Actions, Tensions and Staying Safe During this Week!
Hello to everyone! I'm Leanne and I'm here with Charlene to Discuss the
Full Moon on April 7th, 2020.
In this Full moon there is a aspect of Neptune that we wanted to discuss with you so you are fully aware. This section is to make you aware to take care of yourselves. Get enough sleep and stay indoors as much as possible.
Neptune is about health imbalances. At this time, its imperative that you avoid unnecessary reasons to be out, its a high time for illness. Be smart and listen to the CDC.
It is also a time where Mars squares Uranus and this can be cause of people to become extremely rebellious and aggressive. We are recommending that you use common sense if you have to go out and about. Avoid any confrontations or try to defuse them if someone starts in with you. If it's out of control to contact the proper authorities.
The next two weeks will also be hard on some of us that are non essential workers. With everyone being home, it can cause unnecessary pressures and extreme tensions that would not normally be there. For parents, it could be having to home school your kids. For the Teachers who are trying to get your kids online, be patient. They are experiencing as many issues are you are. This whole situation isn't easy and it is causing everyone to feel drained. Find a way to release those feelings. If you have a notebook, start journaling your feelings. Getting it out will bring to a point of understanding where everyone is coming from and trying to help defuse any potential issues.
As for the coronavirus itself; the current "surge" they are predicting over the next two weeks is cause for concern for many people out there. If you follow CDC rules and keep your hands clean, wear a mask out, or just get delivery instead of going out, you will lower the grid.
As for people who make the criteria to be tested: There are going to be a lot of people who will be tested during this time. There is going to be a lot of miscommunication, delayed responses, misdiagnosis and more fear. The best thing you can do is step back and realize the health field and government are doing the best they can. Causing riots, going after people in the health field and fighting with others isn't the answer. Don't do anything that can risk your own health and the health of others by being reckless or causing unnecessary issues. Be smart, don't start.
Most of all, remember; This is a time for protecting, nuturing and healing, of yourself and loved ones. Check in on relatives and family members as much as possible to make sure they are ok.
If any of you have questions, need a reading or want a anxiety bracelet to get you through this times, please click here.
Love and Light!
Leanne and Charlene

Love and Light!
Leanne and Charlene

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