
Showing posts from 2015

12/31/15 - Whom Do You Need To Forgive?

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Whom Do You Need To Forgive ? It's time to let go of old anger and resentment because it's not hurting anyone but you. What you are holding onto is keeping you from things you truly desire . It's now time to focus on the present instead of the past. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

12/30/15 - Let Go

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Let Go Try not to control every situation. The more you do, the longer it will take an  outcome to manifest the way you want. Take a deep breathe and relax. Have faith . Everything will work out for the best. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

12/29/15 - Patience, Please

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Patience , Please The Angels have heard your prayers and are working on them now. Continue to stay positive , pray and soon what you are asking for will manifest . Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

12/28/15 - Dietary Change

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card - Dietary Change The fairies are saying that your body's metabolism is extremely sensitive. It's time to take a look at what you can do to switch to a healthier diet. Doing this improvement can also heal other areas of your life. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

12/27/15 - You've Got the Power!

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444. ..Presents Today's Card - You've Got the Power !   This is now the time to let go of blame and focus on finding solutions . Be honest with yourself and be truthful with others.   Look into resolving issues to heal yourself and others. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

12/26/15 - Easy Does It

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Easy Does It Don't force something to happen because you're creating blocks and barriers around you. Take some time to relax , let go of the situation and watch how quickly everything that you want will occur they way you want them too. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

12/25/15 - Ace of Summer

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Ace of Summer Merry Christmas To Those to Celebrate!  Now onto the Card! I'm excited to pull the ACE OF SUMMER from a gift I received last night for Christmas from my daughters. The deck is by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine from The Fairy Tarot Cards. This card tells us a joyful relationship is about to begin or new person is about to enter your life. In order to this happen, you must open your heart to love .  This can also be time for very close photonic relationships to build. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

12/24/15 - You are Safe

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card - You Are  Safe Let go of all your worries to  Archangel Michael . He is there surrounding you and your loved ones with love and light. You are  safe  at all times. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

12/23/15 - Clairaudience

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card - Clairaudience You are hearing  repetitive  messages asking you to  improve  a situation between you and others. Pay attention to everything others are saying to you and think about it in your own mind. You will be glad you did.  Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @CharmedAngel444

12/21/15 - Remain Positive

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Remain  Positive The  angels  are telling you to keep  positive .  You have a great  momentum  going and a  confident  demeanor. Don't allow anyone to step in your way! Your  dreams  a close to coming true! Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website  Twitter & @CharmedAngel444 

12/20/15 - Stay Optimistic

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's General Card - Stay Optimistic Your prayers are about to be answered!  A bit more patience on your part is required, but it will be worth it. Use your imagination to visualize that your dream has come true. Feel the joy and it will speed up your manifestation . Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

12/19/15 - It's Safe for You To Love

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 - Presents.. Today's General Card Reading - It's Safe For You To Love Ask the angels to bring caring , loving individuals (including a romantic partners) into your life, and they'll do so.. Provided that you listen to and follow their guidance. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

12/18/15 - Getting to Know Each Other

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Getting to Know Each Other This is the best time to reveal your true  feelings , your  dreams  and  desires  and connect with the others in your life. You discover commonalities and learn new ways of relating. If you're presently in a relationship, it's best to discuss everything through dialogue. Discard clearly discusses holding deep and honest discussions to benefit your love life. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

12/17/15 - Assertiveness

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card -  Assertiveness from Daily Guidance Angel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue Its time to face a situation you have dealing with directly.  The situation can only be rectified if you clearly  communicate  your needs to others. Handle conflict with  honesty  and  love . Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

12/16/15 - What Do You Desire?

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents... What Do You  Desire ? You must  decide  what you want before anything can  change .  Meditate ,  decide  what you want. You  deserve  the best. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

12/15/15 - Ground Yourself

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents Ground Yourself  If you have been feeling  confused , "spacey", or  forgetful  this card explains it. You can ground yourself by  eating better , getting  outdoors  and enjoying whats around you. Go to a  park , work in your  garden , do something outside to help you bring back your  concentration  and  focus .  Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and at Twitter @CharmedAngel444

12/14/15 - Steady Progress

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card - Steady  Progress This card had made a second appearance in less than a month. For some of you, you are frustrated, don't be..remember, angel time is different than our time.  As I said prior...  You are on the right path, even if it feels like you're moving slowly. Focus on your  progress  instead of expecting perfection from yourself. Look at how far you have come, how many lessons you have learned and how many people you've helped.  Appreciate  yourself. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

12/13/15 - Crystal-Clear Intentions

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Crystal Clear  Intentions Be bold enough to admit what you truly  desire .  Prosperity  and  abundance  are God's wishes for everyone.  Make a clear picture of what you desire and that you have already  manifested  it already. Feel it. Don't worry how the desire will  manifest -it will come to you in clever ways. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

12/12/15 - Change in Direction

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's General Card Reading - Change in Direction Your old ways of living no longer interests you, you find yourself avoiding friends and pastimes that previously attracted you. You desire a lifestyle and career that will be better fit your new interests and passions . You are starting a new phase in your life which will bring new opportunities and relationships . Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

12/11/15 - Moon Cycles

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Moon Cycles What an amazing card to "Fall out of the deck today!" Especially on this last New Moon of the year of 2015! Time to focus on your  desires  and  intentions . Spend time looking at the  moon  and notice how you feel as it  cycles .  Take note of your  moods .  You will be more in touch with its  magic . Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

12/10/15 - Sensitivity

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's General Card Reading - Sensitivity There's no such thing as being too sensitive . Your sensitivity helps to know the truth about situations and people. It's important for you to trust and follow hunches , intuitions , and impressions . Know that it is safe for you to feel deep emotions, it's part of who you are.   Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

12/9/15 - Claircognizance

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Claircognizance You have prayed for  answers , now they are coming to you in  repetitive  thoughts. Write down everything that comes to mind, then act upon them. These are the  answers  to your prayers.  Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

12/8/15 - Waves of Prosperity

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Waves Of  Prosperity This is a great time where  abundance  comes to you. It means you're having a  successful  time. It's an excellent time to begin a new business venture so keep the doors open and they will be easily fulfilled for you. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

12/7/15 - Consult An Expert

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents... Today's Card - Consult An Expert You are venturing into a new area where other people could assist you by offering you new ideas and information, as well as the benefit of their expertise . Remember to it's not a sign of weakness to ask for help.  Affirm that you  want to attract helpful, knowledgeable people in your life. Be specific about what type of help you need, and what kind of assistance require, and this person will come to you without delay.. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

12/6/15 - Soul Mate

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Soul Mate By this card being pulled, you're asking if a particular person you are wondering about is your soul mate . The answer is yes. This card sometimes comes up in a reading when people ask; When will I meet my soul mate ? Or will I ever meet my soul mate? What people don't realize, many times this is a person you already know. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

12/4/15 - Cupid

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card -  Cupid The Angels did hear your desire for  romance . Surround yourself with  romantic  beauty such as  roses  and  candles . To get any desired  romance  you must give up any emotional hurt to the angels and release them.  Decide what you want in your love life. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

12/3/15 - Acceptance

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents... Acceptance Notice how much better you feel when you think positively about yourself and others. Don't try to control or change others. When one door closes, another one opens. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

12/2/15 - Cleanse & Detoxify

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Cleanse & Detoxify If you are sensitive to food additives (including sugar), alcohol, caffeine, nicotine or any drug related substances, it could be interfering with your ability to hear your angels. This card also tells you to avoid toxic relationships or situations.  The angels will gladly help you if you ask. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

12/1/15 - Family

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents. Today's Card - Family Drawing this card means that you may have a family related issue.  You may be asking about one particular family member. It's time for you to face old feelings, so that they can be released and cleared. It could also mean that it's time for the family to come together and  spend an evening or a holiday together. Your angels will guide you through this passage. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

11/30/15 - There's Nothing to Worry About

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents... There's Nothing to  Worry  About You are  needlessly  worrying . Everything is much better than you are  imagining .  The angels are with you, everything will be ok. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

11/29/15 - Have Confidence

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents Have  Confidence Your angels are saying...You can do it!  You have all you need to move forward with any new  projects  with  confidence . Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

11/28/15 - Your Wish is Granted

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Your Wish Is Granted Your thoughts are manifesting into form very quickly, so be sure that your silent prayers and spoken words are aligned with your desires and not your fears. Trust in the universe . Stay centered and peaceful as possible because negativity can only block your desire. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

11/27/15 - Practice, Practice, Practice

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Practice, Practice, Practice In this card, the fairies are telling you to take up a new hobby or skill. Join a class and learn something new, or go back and take a lesson to polish up on this skill. It's time to showcase your talent publicly. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

11/26/15 - Ask For What You Want

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Ask for What You Want It's now time to tell the universe what you want. Write a list of your desires . Ask others for help you and accept what is being offered. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

11/25/15 - Perfect Timing

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Perfect Timing Your positive thoughts and affirmations are starting to work.  Stop procrastinating and take action. Take advantage of any of your spare time use it to achieve your goals. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

11/24/15 - Let Go

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Let Go You have nothing to worry about, everything is going to work out for the best. Maintain a positive outlook to attract a positive outcome. Have faith. Instead of over analyzing a situation, listen to your heart Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

11/23/15 - Business Venture

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Business Venture You've been desiring a new career change, or even self employment. This card signifies that it's a good time to trust your intuition with respect to your career. Will soon receive a offer for a new job promotion or other new career opportunity . Take the time to look at all options that are becoming available to you. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

11/22/15 - Assertiveness

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents. Today's Card - Assertiveness Your current situation calls for you to be assertive ; speak your truth with love .  Then let go of unhealthy, old communication habits. Don't do anything out of guilt or obligation. Be a good role model for others by practicing this trait. Be true to yourself and your values. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

11/21/15 - Play

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents... Play You deserve  Happiness ,  Pleasure  and  Enjoyment . Stop all work and get out and enjoy yourself today! Do something fun! Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @CharmedAngel444

11/20/15 - Steady Progress

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card - Steady  Progress You are on the right path, even if it feels like you're moving slowly. Focus on your  progress  instead of expecting perfection from yourself. Look at how far you have come, how many lessons you have learned and how many people you've helped.  Appreciate  yourself. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

11/19/15 - Creative Project

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents... Creative Project Time to show your  creative  side.  Enroll  in a class such as  photography  or  art.  Something you always wanted to do but never "had time" or "procrastinated" in doing.  You will be glad you did! Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and at Twitter @CharmedAngel444