
Showing posts from May, 2016

5/31/16 - Peace of Mind

Image Presents... Today's Card - Peace of Mind It's time to find a place for you to enjoy some peace and calm today. You have been running at full throttle the past few days. It's time for you to relieve some stress. The way you can do that is being honest with yourself, eating better, avoid negativity, get more sleep and learn to say the word NO!  Some people find it very calming to meditate , do yoga or even go to the gym with a set of headphones to find their Peace of mind .  You need to find a way to find a way to release the stress to find happiness.  Pick what works for you and do it today! Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/30/16 - Heart Chakra

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents. Today's Card -  Heart Chakra This card has many meanings.... The first is the question you have been longing for an answer know the answer, it rests deep in your heart...look within...  The other is more obvious...The more you open your heart to  love , the more you will feel  joy  and  peace .  Send love to everyone around you. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/29/16 - Whom Do You Need to Forgive

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card - Whom Do You Need To  Forgive ? It's time to let go of old  anger  and  resentment  because it's not hurting anyone but you. What you are holding onto is keeping you from things you truly  desire . It's now time to focus on the  present  instead of the past. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/28/16 - Perfect Timing

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card - Perfect Timing Your positive thoughts and  affirmations  are starting to work.  Stop procrastinating and take action. Take advantage of any of your spare time use it to  achieve  your goals. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/27/16 - Connect with Nature

Image Presents... Today's Card - Connect with Nature What a great card to start off Memorial Weekend here in the USA! People are already on the roads heading to their destinations to kick off the official "Summer Season." It's time to get outside and connect with nature !  When you have a lot going on in your "world," it's best to take a walk outside to "clear your mind". Nature has a way of elevating your mood and give us the balance we need to make right choices.  Listen to the birds, smell the flowers, get out in the sun, take a walk on the beach or in a park..just get going! You will be happy you did! Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/26/16 Your Wish Is Granted

Image  Presents.. Today's Card - Your  Wish  Is Granted Your thoughts are  manifesting  into form very quickly, so be sure that your silent  prayers  and spoken words are aligned with your  desires  and not your fears. Trust in the  universe . Stay centered and  peaceful  as possible because negativity can only block your desire. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/25/16 - Claircognizance

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card -  Claircognizance You have prayed for  answers , now they are coming to you in  repetitive  thoughts. Write down everything that comes to mind, then act upon them. These are the  answers  to your prayers.  Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/24/16 - New Location

Image Presents.. Today's Card - New Location This card is showing that a change is coming your way.  Whether it's in a form of receiving a new job that may having you moving to a new area, or you just thinking of moving in general, trust this is the time to do it. It will be bring major improvements to your life. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/23/16 - Stand Your Ground

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Stand Your Ground You know in your heart you are doing the right thing.  Don't let anyone sway your decisions.  If someone tries to make you change your mind, don't be afraid to tell them how you feel. Stand your Ground! Not will it just make them see your side, but it will show them that you're a force to be reckoned with. In the end it will build your self-confidence and make other people respect you more! Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/22/16 - Getting to Know Each Other

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Getting to Know Each Other This is the best time to reveal your true  feelings , your  dreams  and  desires  and connect with the others in your life. You discover commonalities and learn new ways of relating. If you're presently in a relationship, it's best to discuss everything through dialogue.  Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/21/16 - Flirt

Charmed Angel Card Reader  Presents.. Today's General Card -  Flirt  F lirting  is being playful by making  eye contact , giving a  smile , and connecting with another person. Just a simple  "Hello"  can bring you a new friend or maybe a potential new partner. The more you do this, the more chances you will connect to more people. Most potential relationships happen through mutual friends. It's time for you to get out there and say  "Hello" ! Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter, Periscope & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/20/16 - You Deserve Love

Image Presents.. Today's Card - You Deserve Love Today's card is letting you know that God and the Angels are they behind you letting you know not to blame yourself for any past negative experiences.  You do deserve love no matter what happened to you.  They are cheering you on and telling you to move forward ..Look at yourself in the mirror daily and say "I am loveable. I am loved." This will attract the relationships you truly want..and you DEFINITELY deserve that! Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/19/16 - Adult Children

Image Presents Today's Card - Adult Children This card is in regards to grown children.  A lot of you have children that are graduating college in the next few weeks and are moving home. For some, one of your children maybe getting married or having a family of their own. But whatever the case, some of you may be feeling a void, some of you feel like you are gaining another child into your family, and others of you now are looking at your child as a adult. It's time to let them now fly and be free...It's amazing how you can look back and say, "Hey, I did good!" But Never forget, they will always be looking for your advice. Keep the door open! Now look for this time to find as your own.  Take a class do something for you. You deserve it!   Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/18/16 - Sentimental Feelings

Image Presents... Today's Card - Sentimental Feelings This card goes hand in hand with the current retrograde.  Maybe you just came across an item from a person from your past, or someone from your past has crossed your path recently that has stirred up some emotions that have upset you. Today the card is saying its time to tackle these issues head on and resolve them in your mind so you can move on.  The past is in the past, there is nothing more to fear. Release this person, remove this no longer serves your highest good.  Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/17/16 - Justice

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Justice In the Tarot, the Justice card is Number 8 of the Major Arcana .  It represents standing up for what is right and what you believe in. When this card is pulled, you can be assure that a situation you are thinking about and dealing with will have a positive ending.  Just be sure that if this is a legal matter you have dotted your "I's" and crossed your "T's", and don't sign anything without having a professional check it over first! Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/16/16 - The Moon

Image Presents.. Today's Card - The Moon The Moon in the 18th Card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot Deck.  It represents intuition . You need to  listen  to your inner self and releasing your fears. It will also play a key roll in your future. Keep your ears and eyes open to people who don't seem quite right, because you are probably correct in your assumptions. Let go of what no longer serves you.  Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/14/16 - Worth Waiting For

Image Presents. Today's Card - Worth Waiting For This card is to remind you that a current relationship you are inquiring about is worth waiting for.  A Soul-mate relationship requires free will choices and readiness for both people to be ready for true love . Don't force this situation to happen, let your intuition be your guide.  Trust in the timing of this relationship. The angels are here to work behind the scenes to bring this to you.   Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/13/16 - Chemistry

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Chemistry This card means you are drawn to another person. There are various scenarios for this card.  For a single person, if you feel pulled toward another unattached person, then this is "go head" you need to make a connection.  However; if you are currently attached and become attracted to another, this is going to make you weigh your options and consider the consequences of your actions. Remember, chemistry is the initial time in a relationship where there is playfulness, passion, sparks and caring gestures, but you need to think about where this could end up.  If you are attached, just think it through, is the pleasure of now worth the possible issues later? Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/12/16 - Page of Fire

Image Presents. Today's Card - Page of Fire A unexpected, new opportunity is coming your way. Be optimistic , This new opportunity may seem like a challenge at first, but with your creativity  and confidence, this will give you a new found passion to be excited about! Go for it! Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/11/16 - Awakening Your True Self

Image  Presents.. Today's Card -  Awakening  Your True Self As they say..When One Door Closes, Another Opens..Well this is when you find your True Self Again... You just went through a tough period. You gave up on who  you  are just to please another person. Its time to get back to your old self. You find interest in things you used to love to do. Call your friends, have a get together. Let these changes occur, see your life  change  for the better. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/10/16 - Ask For What You Want

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card - Ask for What You Want It's now time to tell the universe what you want. Write a list of your  desires . Ask others for help and  accept  what is being offered. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/9/16 - Miracle Healing

Image  Presents.. Today's Card -  Miracle   Healing You have been praying and heaven has heard your situation. Tell God "I can not deal with this situation any longer."  Give the situation to god. Thank him for taking care of it and detach from it. You will start accessing the  healing  through  faith  and  gratitude . Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/8/16 - Join In

Image Presents... Today's General Card - Join In From the New Doreen Virtue Deck Butterfly Oracle Cards. Today's card is Join In. You received this card because you are called to physically show up to an event or group to meet new or like minded people. Don't be afraid of meeting new people, this will open new doors for you. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/7/16 - Very Soon

Image Presents.. Today's General Card - Very Soon This Card come's from the Romance Desk asking "What do you Want?"  You need to be clear and honest with yourself. Put out to the universe what you truly desire , it will come to you.  If you use negative tones, you are holding back its manifestation.  Keep it positive and positive will come in return.   Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/6/16 - Visualization

Image Presents... Today's General Card - Visualization Visualize only what you truly want, avoid seeing what you don't.  You see yourself having a happy , healthy , abundant life.  Release all fears, see the magic! Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/5/16 - Move Forward Fearlessly

Charmed Angel Card Reader  Presents.. Today's Card - Move Forward Fearlessly It's time to go with your gut feelings, your dreams and impulses that you have been feeling for a long time. Even the tiniest steps will improve your life. Soon your dreams will become reality.  Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

5/4/16 - Problem Resolved

Image Presents.. Today's General Card - Problem Resolved You are soon going to be receiving good news about a problem that has been bothering you.  It maybe about a relationship, health issue, a career opportunity, etc.  Don't stress on how this will happen, just take a deep breath and feel grateful that the angels are there to help you through this. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

5/3/2016 - Beauty

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card -  Beauty Appreciate  yourself and how  beautiful  you are. Always have loving thoughts about yourself. Take some time for you. Go have a spa day, get a massage, a haircut, whatever makes you feel good about yourself. The more  positive  you are, the more you will attract others into your life. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

5/2/16 - Teaching and Learning

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents..  Today's Card -  Teaching  and  Learning Teach  others topics that awaken your  passions . Be open to sharing new  ideas , Learn about new topics and about things that aren't necessarily in your norm of interest.  Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook  and Google + and Our Website at and on Twitter, Instagram and Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444