
Showing posts from August, 2015

8/31/15 - Opportunity to Forgive

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Opportunity to Forgive This card shows that you've grown weary of a negative pattern in your life. To break this cycle, it's important for you to release old harmful thoughts about a current situation and relationship. Forgiveness doesn't mean that you are overlooking the other person's behavior. It just means that you're unwilling to carry toxic feelings and thoughts about him or her. As you release anger, a creative resolution to the situation will appear.  Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @CharmedAngel444

8/30/15 - Daydream

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents. Daydream This is the second time this month this card has made an appearance. The cards are telling you it is time to be open  receptive  to new ideas. Allow yourself to dream big. Give yourself permission to relax and let go and try something new that you've always wanted to do. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @CharmedAngel444

8/29/15 - Law of Attraction

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents... Law of Attraction With tonight's Super Full Moon, It's time to elevate your thoughts to  attract  what you desire. Rise to the level of the type of person you wish to attract. Feel  gratitude  for everything that you will receive. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @CharmedAngel444

8/28/15 - Eight of Raphael

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Eight of Raphael  This card shows that you are done with some aspect of your life; such as a job, a relationship etc. and it's now time to move on. With the Full moon coming on August 29th, it is time to release the old and make room for the new!  Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and at Twitter  & @CharmedAngel444

8/27/15 - New Partner

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. New Partner  This card as a sign that someone new has or is about to enter your life as an answer to your prayers. This this could be in the form of a business partnership , a friendship , or romantic sense. Don't go looking for him or her as it will happen naturally.  Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and at Twitter  & @CharmedAngel444

8/26/15 - Simplify Your Life

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents... Simplify Your Life It's time to simplify your life. This means clearing out your home of anything that you no longer need. Canceling subscriptions publications and things that no longer need your time. Its time to get organized and be more efficient with your schedule. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and at Twitter  & @CharmedAngel444

8/25/15 - Have Faith

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents... Have Faith You've been asking and praying for some big dreams to come true and it's working. Your job is to have faith and listen for guidance and take action when you are guided. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and at Twitter  & @CharmedAngel444

8/24/15 - Make a Wish

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Make A Wish State your desire as if it already has come true.  Thank heaven for its reality and feel it in your heart that your dream is actually a reality . Express thanks for this gift and release it like a helium balloon that has gone straight to heaven. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and at Twitter  & @CharmedAngel444

8/23/15 - Make a Decision

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Make A Decision Let go of your fears and worries, and focus only on the destination you intend to reach. Think about it...what do you really want? Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and at Twitter  & @CharmedAngel444

8/22/15 - Be Honest with Yourself

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Be Honest with Yourself It's time to be honest with your true feelings. You may be f eeling overwhelmed with your feelings and have now have to face the necessary changes that your unprepared for. You deserve better. Trust your own feelings even if others don't agree. Don't give away your power to others. Don't get don't get caught up in the illusion that this is the way it has to be. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and at Twitter  & @CharmedAngel444

8/21/15 - See Only Love

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. See Only Love When you focus on love, anything that's unloving falls away. Release anger, hurt, or judgments to the angels. Remember to look at situations through others eyes. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and at Twitter  & @CharmedAngel444

8/20/15 - The Star

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents... The  Star Yes! Wish upon a  star!  Believe in Your  dreams ; challenging times are behind you and brighter times are ahead!  Envision  your life the way you want it and take  action  to make it happen! Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and at Twitter  & @CharmedAngel444

8/19/15 - Change in Direction

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents... Change in Direction You're starting a new phase of your life. You desire a career and lifestyle that will better fit your new interests and passions. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @CharmedAngel444

8/18/15 - Child

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Child This may have a few meanings. It could represent that your  life purpose  involves helping  children , or  it can mean paying attention to your  inner child , or you have intentions of soon having a child or wanting to spend more time with your children.  Which ever one it is, find time for the child within or a child who needs you.  Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @CharmedAngel444

8/17/15 - Clear Your Space

Charmed Angel Card Readers 444 Presents... Clear Your Space! Talk About Perfect Timing with  Schools either starting or almost here! It's time to clear away the clutter that can weigh you down and erode your  energy, creativity and  prosperity . Time to  donate  and  recycle  items, open those windows and let the fresh air in!   Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website  at Twitter and @CharmedAngel444

8/16/15 - Let Your Friends Help You

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents... Let Your Friends Help You  This card tells you that you need to be more willing to ask for help especially within the context of your love life. Discuss your feelings, hopes, and dreams and allow others to help you. They will be there to offer support , give advice, or even know if potential partner through their acquaintances that might be perfect for you. This card is the best way to spend quality time with your friends . Take advantage of it especially if you're single you never know you might find romantic wonderful partne r! Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @CharmedAngel444

8/15/15 - Stay Optimistic About Your Love Life

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents... Stay Optimistic About Your Love Life ! It's time to shift your perspective on your love life. Think positively to manifest the love of your life. Whether you are single or in a partnership begin by visualizing yourself in romantically happy situations. Imagine yourself with a wonderful partner with all the qualities that are important to you. Write a list and conduct your own journal sessions of your feelings , hopes , desires and intentions . Even create a dream board. Keep a positive outlook and positivity will bring the perfect partner. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @CharmedAngel444

8/14/15 - Divine Order

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents. Divine Order A win win situation is brewing, one with the solutions that are fair with everyone involved. This is requiring you to have blind faith that heaven is working behind the scenes to extract the highest good for all. Use positive affirmation s and prayers to keep the spirits high. Your positive thoughts will speed the resolutions along even quicker. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @CharmedAngel444

8/13/15 - Brilliant Idea

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents... Brilliant   Idea Ask  for it, and be willing to  receive .  All the  support  you need  and the  idea's  you have to  fruition  are there, just ask  Archangel Uriel  for support. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website  at Twitter and @CharmedAngel444

8/12/15 - Reward Yourself

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Reward  Yourself This has been the 2nd time this month this card has made an appearance. Time to  reward  yourself for all your hard work.   Invest  time in yourself.   Splurge  on yourself, buy yourself something, take a trip. Whatever it is, will bring you much joy.  Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @CharmedAngel444

8/10/15 Entrepreneur

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents... Entrepreneur You are well suited for  self-employment . You have the drive and ideas required to be an  entrepreneur .  It's now time to fully commit to succeed in your new business.  Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website  Twitter & @CharmedAngel444 

8/9/15 - Daydream

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents. Daydream Time to the open receptive to new ideas. Allow yourself to dream big. Give yourself permission to relax and let go and try something new that you've always wanted to do. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @CharmedAngel444

8/8/15 - Law of Attraction

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents... Law of Attraction It's time to elevate your thoughts to attract what you desire. Rise to the level of the type of person you wish to attract. Feel gratitude for everything that you will receive. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @CharmedAngel444

8/7/15 - Let Yourself Receive

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents. Let Yourself Receive You are a natural giver you help others in so many ways. If let others give to you ,experience the joy of receiving . Give a gift to each other and be gracious as a receiver. By receiving you give yourself the balance of a male female energy within and around you. Even the simplest act of receiving is healing, it's a powerful step in the manifestation process. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @CharmedAngel444

8/6/15 - Soulmate Relationship

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Soulmate Relationship Your desire to be in a great love relationship is now starting to manifest. You're being guided to create and maintain that situation right now. You and your partner share similar spiritual concepts and are open minded when it comes to learning about and implementing new practices. Don't force the situation to happen or it will slow down the results.  It's up to you to enjoy the process leading up to your desired outcome. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @CharmedAngel444

8/5/15 - You're Being Helped

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. You're Being Helped This card represents manifestation . You may not see the evidence yet, but it's in the process .  This card is showing that your prayers are being heard and answered. Be centered in faith and gratitude and doors will open for you. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @CharmedAngel444

8/4/15 - Set Your Sights Higher

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents... Set Your Sights Higher.. Don't settle for less than you deserve , or for much less than you deserve . You don't need to compromise! Take time today to visualize and dream about your true heart's desires . You deserve a great life and you have the power and to help to accomplish it! Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @CharmedAngel444

8/3/15 - A New Dawn

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents. A New Dawn You have gone through some rough times, but now you are on the way to a clear and smooth path. Wash away the negativity and past memories and only keep positive lessons of life and love . It's time to let it go! Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @CharmedAngel444

8/2/15 - Play

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents... Play You deserve Happiness , Pleasure and Enjoyment . Stop all work and get out and enjoy yourself today! Do something fun! Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @CharmedAngel444

8/1/15 - Reward Yourself

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Reward Yourself Time to reward yourself for all your hard work.   Invest time in yourself.   Splurge on yourself, buy yourself something, take a trip. Whatever it is, will bring you much joy.  Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @CharmedAngel444