Weekly Forecast for April 27th - May 3rd, 2020! The Focus is on Teachers this Week!

Hi and Welcome to Weekly Forecast for April 27 - May 3, 2020.

I'm Leanne here with Charlene to give you this week's reading from the Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.

This week's reading is focusing on our Teachers! Normally our readings are 3 cards. However, this week the Angels wanted is to know more, so we included all cards that "jumped from the deck".

The cards this week are Courage, Remember Who You Are, Indigo and Crystal Children, you know What to Do, Brilliant Idea and Outdoors. So please look below for more information.

As the week begins, you may find yourself having to deal with ongoing issues with online learning. Some of the issues maybe out of your control, some may feel like they are put in the "hot seat" for no apparent reason.

The Courage card is saying to not let anyone step on your toes, stand up for yourself if you feel you have been wrongly accused of something. As we tell all of our clients, always have a "cover your ass" trail; whether it's on paper or time stamped email. This will always be your saving grace. Always "bcc" administration on any email if you have an issue. Being proactive is to your benefit ALWAYS.

With the Remember Who You Are Card; don't let anyone make you feel like you don't know what you’re doing.  You went through many years of professional learning/training to teach. You are the one with the degree. Take a minute and pat yourself on the back for all you do. You are the best teacher you can be. YOU ARE AMAZING!

The Indigo and Crystal Children card affirms that it was your life's purpose to teach. You want to see your students succeed.  You know what you teach them now will be what they take with them into the future. Now it's up to the students to do their work. You have laid the ground work, now let them show you what they've got. Even through this pandemic!

With the next card, You know what to do. If someone is up in your face this week, trust your inner knowledge, breathe then act. Use your wisdom from years of teaching before proceeding with the next steps to take. The best thing, "walk away from the computer" and rethink the situation. This is to your advantage.  Why? The next card explains. 

Brilliant Idea. Sometimes you can be pushed passed your comfort zone. But that's when you work at your best. It's time to think outside the box to deal with difficult situations and people. You will absolutely amaze yourself. Kudos to you!

Last but not least this weekend you have the Outdoors card. Even though we are "Self-contained" in most areas. Find a few minutes to step outside and put your feet in the grass or sand. It will help you relieve stress from this past week. Plus, it may also give you new and creative ideas for next week's lesson plans.

So that is it for this week. We want to take this time to THANK ALL the teachers out there who are kicking butt and doing their thing to keep the kids going. We love and appreciate you!

- Leanne & Charlene
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