CharmedAngel444 Weekly Forecast for April 6-12, 2020!

Hello my friends and Welcome to this week's forecast for April 6th through 12th 2020. I'm Leanne and I am from I am here to shuffle and uplift the cards for this week, while Charlene interprets.

This week’s cards are from Healing with the Fairies Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue. The three cards this week are Be Honest with Yourself, Beauty, and Body Movement.

Below the picture will be the write up for each one of these cards.

As we start the beginning of the week; Monday and Tuesday you have the Be Honest with Yourself card. If you have been feeling depressed, stuck, tired, angry or irritable these are symptoms that you were feeling a little dishonest about something with yourself. 
This card is urging you to admit to your true feelings to yourself about whatever has been bothering you. 
Not dealing with them will only cause unnecessary issues with others that you don’t need.
The Fairies aren't asking you to make a radical change, however; they're asking you to take this week to look at yourself and what you can do to break yourself of these low energies.

On Wednesday and Thursday, you have the Beauty Card. The fairies are asking you to focus yourself on taking care of you. What can make you feel good? For some just taking a hot bath in some salts works wonders. For others they love massages, facials, pedicures and manicures but of course with us all being in quarantine that's a little harder to do. I know a lot of ladies out there have Mani/Pedi kits at home, so take full advantage of it. Make it a mommy and daughter time if you've got little girls because they can help you paint your toenails :-). But the latest thing I have seen is so many hairdressers putting together bags that you can purchase and have a do-it-yourself hair day. Take advantage of these offers. It's great for you and it's fabulous for your hairdresser, so they can continue to stay in business. Remember taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your family.

The final card that will cover the weekend is Body Movement. Even with us all being safe at home this card is letting us know that we really should take the time to exercise and move. It's just as easy as just going outside and taking a walk or going for a jog as long as you keep a distance from the next person. For those who are not big into exercising, maybe you like to dance; turn on your radio and dance to some music. The whole idea is taking care of your body; paying attention to what it needs. You don't want to be a couch potato during this pandemic.

So that's it for us!  Take care of YOU!  See you next week for our weekly forecast. 
 - Leanne & Charlene

If you know anyone who needs to join our distance reiki prayer list, feel free to add them to our page or send them to We will be doing them every Wednesday night at 7 pm.

During Charlene's Extended Absence, I will be taking on Appointments! 
15 MINUTES FOR 15.00 SPECIAL! Good until May 15th, 2020!


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