Weekly Forecast March 9-15, 2020! Full Moon, Retrograde Ends and Maybe Some other Endings!

Hi and Welcome to CharmedAngel444.com Weekly Forecast for March 9-15, 2020! 
I am Leanne I am here to Type, and Uplift this week’s reading. Charlene is doing the interpretation.
Please excuse whatever is going on with Blogger today, it wont align properly. - Leanne

Normally this is a three-card read, however; we had a fourth card fall, so we decided to include it. 
It made the reading more in-depth. Please look below the picture for the full forecast!

The first card the page of Raphael is the most recent past. When it says a new emotional situation, some of you may 
have met someone during Mercury retrograde.  As I've told you many times, these types of relationships don't usually last. 
They are usually very ramped-up and then you end up being very disappointed. They start out exciting and fun;
you usually go into these situations with rose colored glasses on and things don't actually work out as planned.

The Present card which is The emperor can be a man or woman but here it shows a man. 
This person is a very strong-willed individual. They like to take charge and can be just a little too much at times.
In some cases, they can even be manipulative and easy to anger. 
They want things their way and no other way. 
In this type of situation, you find yourself starting to wonder where this relationship is going. 
You start to second-guess yourself if this is the kind of person you want to be with.

The third card which is the Eight of Raphael this is towards the end of the week, 
and you have come to realize that you're no longer going to accept what is currently going on in your world. 
This can be where you're going to walk away from the situation knowing
 there's something better for you on the other side. 
Don't let the situation continue and do what's best for you.
 If the person continues to try to be in your life explain to them you are done in a nice way. 
If you continue to have problems then take the appropriate measures to have them dismissed from your life.

The final card that fell from the deck is quite important this is Number 15, which is a Major Arcana card. 
The Decision card. 
This is you releasing yourself from the situation. 
Sometimes you need to step far back or sometimes if this doesn't work. 
You need to find a way to release it say in the way of writing in a journal,
 smudging yourself,your home and anything else that associate you with the situation.
 You may want to start to carry crystals to help and releasing the situation. 
What you will find is that this will be the best decision you have ever made
 because better things are around the corner.

Thanks so much for joining us today, we hope to see you next week for the weekly forecast. - Leanne

During Charlene's Summer Absence, I will be taking on Appointments! 
15 MINUTES FOR 15.00 SPECIAL! Good until May 15th, 2020!

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