Weekly Forecast for March 23-29, 2020 - You, Your Feelings and How to Get through the Next Week!

Hi and Welcome to CharmedAngel444.com
I'm Leanne, I am here to pick the cards, type and upload the weekly forecast. 
Charlene is here to interpret.

This week's cards were picked from the Healing with the Fairies from Doreen Virtue.

Instead of the normal 3 card past, present and future cards, we also had one that "fell out of deck"; this will also be included in this reading. Please look below the picture for reading.

In the start of the week we have Inner Child. With all of us feeling "stuck inside" due to this virus; we will all need to take care of ourselves. This card is also saying to have patience at this time. Do what you can at home to take care of yourself mentally and physically. Get SLEEP, take vitamins and eat healthy! Write in a journal to let go of frustration, go take a walk if needed, if you have a gym in your home, work out. If you play music and that works, great! If you take care of yourself now, things will be easier for yourself and everyone around you. Listen to what has been recommended by the CDC and we all will be better for it. Heed the warnings, STAY HOME! TAKE CARE OF YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES!

In the middle of the week we have the Breaking Free card. This is all if us feeling frustrated by our current circumstances. Breathe and understand we are all in the same boat. Ask the Angels to release our fears so we may soon be able to go back to business as usual.

The future card is detoxification, this is showing us that if we do what is asked, we will come out of this much better for it. We will know how to take better care of ourselves and find a way to ground ourselves, this end the spread of the virus quickly.

The final card that fell out of the deck is Move Forward Fearlessly. This is telling us that we will start to bounce back into our lives if we all listen and following what we are told.  This  virus has made people realize what is truly important in their lives. Some are ready to return to work and be more appreciative of what they have; while others will realize that they want to work from home or work for themselves. For those who see a bigger picture here, make those dreams a REALITY! Start putting those thoughts together in a book, on a spreadsheet etc. Doing the homework now will set you ahead of any competition later! 

So that’s it for the week of March 23 – 29, 2020, for Charlene and Myself, please be safe and practice distancing until this situation is over! Namaste - Leanne

During Charlene's Extended Absence, I will be taking on Appointments! 
15 MINUTES FOR 15.00 SPECIAL! Good until May 15th, 2020!

Our New Help and Healing Bracelet for Anxiety is NOW AVAILABLE! 
$20.00 plus shipping! Good until March 30, 2020. When it goes live online 
the price will go up to $25.00 so order today! For more information on sizing and 
availability email us at CharmedAngel444@gmail.com!

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