Weekly Forecast - March 16-22, 2020 - Let's Talk Relationships!

Hi and Welcome to the Weekly Forecast from CharmedAngel444.com
This Reading is for the Week of March 16th through the 22nd, 2020.

Hi, I am Leanne.  I am here to transcribe, type and uplift this reading; as Charlene interprets for you.

The cards for this week are from Doreen Virtue'sRomance Deck. This is a simple three card reading representing the most recent past, the present and the upcoming future.

Please look below the picture for description.

Our first card Free Yourself, represents the most recent past. For some of you out there, you have recently ended a relationship. Possibly you ended right after this recent Mercury Retrograde because you did a lot of reassessing the relationship and found out it wasn't for your highest good; or you realized it was one sided or you just weren't happy anymore.  You did what is best for you, don't second guess yourself.

The present card is Calling in Your Soulmate, for those out there who remembered to put out your affirmations and intentions on the Full Moon on the 9th.  You are going to see things happen soon. You wrote what you wanted in your mate and put it out to the universe. Are you saying them too?? Saying prayers and affirmations help bring you what you want sooner.

The final card for this week is Chemistry. This is upcoming/future. This shows that person you have been waiting for around the corner. Your hard work and prayer will pay off. You will have immediate Chemistry with this person, but take things slow and get to know them.

Best wishes! Leanne and Charlene

During Charlene's Extended Absence, I will be taking on Appointments! 
15 MINUTES FOR 15.00 SPECIAL! Good until May 15th, 2020!

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