Weekly Forecast for March 28th-April 5th, 2020!
Hi and Welcome to CharmedAngel444.com Weekly Forecast for the Week of March 28th through April 5th, 2020. Hi, I'm Leanne and I'm here with Charlene, I will be picking and uplifting the cards for this week while Charlene will be doing the interpretation. This week's cards are the Angel Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. This week's shuffle is almost like last week's where there is normally a 3-card reading. This includes the past, present future. As you see, again we had a card that "fell out of the deck". We always incorporate it into the reading for more incite. Here are the following cards for this week: Sunday/Monday is the Major Arcana Card the High Priestess , Tuesday- Thursday is the Two of Earth and Friday Through Sunday is the Eight of Fire . The upcoming card (future within the next 3 months is the Ten of Air ). Look below for information on each of these cards: Let's talk the beginning of...