Angel Card Reading for January 20th, 2020- January 26, 2020

Hi and Welcome to Angel Card Reading 
for the week of January 20th, 2020 - January 26, 2020.

This week's reading were taken from the Archangel Power Tarot Card Deck by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine.  The cards which are as follows: The Magician, the King of Ariel, and the Ace of Ariel. To learn more about these cards please look below the picture.

As we open the week on Monday and Tuesday you have received the Magician card. This is the Number One in the Major Arcana and represents a successful week ahead of you. It's like you have the magic touch. For some of you, it's a new project you have started that will become very successful due to your excellent planning. For others, a windfall of abundance may magically appear. Remember abundance comes in many forms, so be specific with the universe about what you want. Be Grateful. Keep focused on your intentions and keep your eye on the prize.

On Wednesday and Thursday you have the King of Ariel. This shows that yes, you're manifesting things on Monday and Tuesday. But by Wednesday and Thursday all the plans that you have taken prior to this week are working out extremely well. You're going to see that your finances are going to grow and your professional life is going to take off.

On Friday going into the weekend you have the Ace of Ariel.  You couldn't have gotten a better card for this weekend. This is talking about having a lucky day, but it looks like it's going to be a lucky weekend for those who are positive out there. For some, this will show that you have been looking for that perfect job for a while, you may be at the right place at the right time to walk right into it. For others, there is a chance to get a promotion. Put your best foot forward this week, it's a good money week, you don't want to be overlooked. Show them what you got!  One last thing before we go, if you have been contemplating looking for a home, start looking, you may find what you're looking for. 

All in all this is a great week keep your thoughts positive and positive will come back twofold.

 Thanks for joining us today! - Charlene & Leanne!!! 

During Charlene's temporary absence, I will be taking on Appointments! Click Here to Book your Reading with Me - Leanne  

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