10/31/18 - Ten of Raphael

Welcome to CharmedAngel444.com Card of the Day! Happy Halloween ! Today's card is Ten of Raphael This card symbolizes love and blessings in your life. Your family life is good, you maybe working hard but its all worth it at the end of the day when you come home. Your hopes and dreams are being reached and the life you had been seeking has now come to you. Take tonight to reflect on all the amazing things you have in your life. But don't forget to take the kids out for their candy too! Thank you for joining me! If you would like to donate to my Youtube or Facebook page, it would be appreciated. It takes a lot to keep these pages going. You can donate to me here. https://paypal.me/CharmedAngel444 To find this and all the other card decks I pull from, check them out at " My Favorite Place " Find me on Facebook , MyWebsite @ CharmedAngel444.c...