12/5/17 - Eight of Autumn (Parrot)

Welcome to CharmedAngel444.com Card of the Day!
Today's Card is the Eight of Autumn (Parrot)
From the New Doreen Virtue/Radleigh Valentine Animal Tarot Deck
Here is that practice makes perfect card. You have so many new ideas now it's time to get them in order and go with them. Some of you may return to school or take a seminar. Others of you may take an online class or learn a new trade. It's going to be a time where you can prosper in a new career. So hop to it and get going because it's all about you!

To find this and all the other cards I pull from, check them out at "My Favorite Place"
Today's card was pulled from the Animal Tarot By Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine

Thanks for joining me today!
Find me on Facebook, MyWebsite @ CharmedAngel444.com
and on Twitter & Keen.Com @CharmedAngel444


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