Holiday weekend Extended Forecast June 30th - July 4th, 2022!

Hello everyone and Welcome to the Weekend Forecast from June 30 - July 4th, 2022.
My name is Leanne, from

I will be taking an extended weekend off, so here we go!

 The deck I have pulled from is the Romance Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. This weekend's cards are: You Deserve Love, Keep an Open Mind and True Love.

As we start the weekend, you have received the card you deserve love. This is a great time to ask the universe for that perfect person to come into your life. You are lovable. This card is saying that you can attract the right people into your life at this time. Now just believe in yourself and you will have that perfect relationship.

On Saturday you have received the keep an open mind card. This is saying to you that there's a possibility that your soulmate may appear in a different form than you expect. They may not be the type of individual that you usually date. This card is telling you that you may have already been introduced to this person but overlooked them as a romantic potential for a soulmate. Open your mind to this person. You may be surprised.

Going into Sunday and Monday, you may find that this person is exactly what you've been looking for. You may exchange numbers, text, Duo or use some other form of communication or even have very long calls this weekend. But don't be surprised if this person asks you out on that date you've been waiting for. What you will find is that this person may be that true love you have been looking for! Congrats!

Have a safe and wonderful weekend - Leanne

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Disclaimer:  The information and advice given on and through readings you receive through Charmed Angel are treated purely for entertainment purposes only. Any predictions or messages you receive are not substitute for professional advice, self-help or assistance programs or any other professional treatment that you would receive from a professional such as a lawyer, doctor, psychiatrist, accountant or financial advisor. There are no guarantees or assurances of any kind given. Charmed Angel is not responsible for interpretation made or used by the recipient of the advice mentioned above.


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