Charmedangel444 Weekend Forecast June 3rd - 5th, 2022!

 Hi I’m Leanne from

Welcome to the Weekend Forecast! Retrograde is Over Yes!  I am taking a long weekend this week, 
and will be back on Wednesday, June 8th! 

I am reading from the tarot deck That’s so 80’s Tarot by @Divine.Moon.Empress.

This weekend’s cards are 2 of Cups Reversed, 10 of Cups Reversed, Justice Reversed!

This weekend is going to start out with a bit of a falling out.  With the 2 of cups in reverse, this could mean the chance of a breakup of a relationship or falling out with someone.  This could show lack of trust or your relationship being that the point of not "being in sync". You are not sharing that emotional connection you did in the past. You both need to find the time to start talking to turn this situation around or this relationship will fall apart. 

Should you find yourself in the position that this person doesn't want to work things out, the 10 of cups reverse is here to say it's time for some self love.  If you don't love yourself first, you will end up projecting that lack onto others. You don't want others to see you as "clingy" or attract the wrong people in your life.  So, take the time to find you again, then you will attract the right person or people into your life. 

To end the weekend you have the Judgement in reverse. This is you taking at look at yourself and being your own worse critic.  You may evaluate every little thing that transpired this weekend or everything that happened in that past relationship.  STOP IT! It takes two to tango here.  This is a time to forgive yourself and forgive the other person and accept it for what it was.  This is a time for self-love, show yourself some kindness and compassion, knowing everyone makes mistakes, and do something good for yourself.  Go get a massage or something you enjoy and breathe. Things are going to get better!

Have a great weekend! - Leanne
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