Thanksgiving Week 2020 - 9 of Pentacles (Golden Girls Tarot)


Hello and Welcome to Weekly Forecast for

Thanksgiving Week 2020!

I’m Leanne bringing you this week’s forecast from the Golden Girls Tarot Deck. (Please see below the picture for the interpretation.)


This week the card is the 9 of Pentacles.  As you can see this totally fits the character of Blanche Devereaux.  This card talks about an abundant life, and how she in her 50’s enjoys the financial independence from working hard all her life.  Just like her, you have this golden opportunity to do this for yourself. Wouldn’t it be great to sit back and enjoy the pleasures of a good life instead of struggling all the time?


Take a minute now and think about what you can do on your own. You don’t need to work for someone else, you can work for yourself and have financial independence.  Invest wisely and make sure you seek financial advice to make the most of the money you make, so you can take care of yourself in the long term.


Remember a stable foundation now can bring fun and material things later. Don’t get me wrong, its great to splurge and pamper yourself once in a while, but make sure you keep some aside for the lifestyle you will want and have later in life.  Be that independent person; don’t rely on others to carry you! You have this!


Thanks for joining me, see you next week.  Have a SAFE and wonderful Thanksgiving.  I ask at this time that you please take a moment a throw a few prayers to Charlene who will be having a procedure Tuesday.  She sends her love.  – Leanne

During Charlene's Absence, I will be taking on Appointments! Click Here to Book your Reading with Me - Leanne


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Disclaimer:  The information and advice given on and through readings you receive through Charmed Angel are treated purely for entertainment purposes only. Any predictions or messages you receive are not substitute for professional advice, self-help or assistance programs or any other professional treatment that you would receive from a professional such as a lawyer, doctor, psychiatrist, accountant or financial advisor. There are no guarantees or assurances of any kind given. Charmed Angel is not responsible for interpretation made or used by the recipient of the advice mentioned above.





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