November 2nd - 8th, 2020! Time to Make a Decision!


Hello everyone and welcome to
 Weekly Forecast for
November 2nd through 8th 2020.

I'm Leanne, doing the “social media thing”; while Charlene interprets the cards.

This week we are reading from the Amira love Oracle deck. The cards are blonde female, mature man, control, courting man, open relationship, union, travel, children. (See below the picture for interpretation.)


This week is directed at our woman out there who love to date, but want to “Have it all!”

Even though the cards are showing a blonde female; this can be any person that is a female going through a similar situation.

This card is showing a younger person dating two different men here. One older and another younger. If this is you, and you are dating more than one gentleman; listen up. As you can see in the deck you cannot play two sides to the middle. This is not a good idea; it's time to stop, rethink, and make a decision. You can’t have your cake and eat it too so to speak. This could potentially blow up in your face leaving you alone.

On the left side you see an older gentleman, this is showing that this gentleman has no problem taking care of you; but he wants an open relationship. He’s had his “marriage/relationship” and he doesn’t want it again. He has no problem taking you places, buying you things, traveling and having fun with you; but that's all he wants from you. He wants you at his beckon call.  He's the kind of gentleman that wants to control the situation and control you. But is that what you truly want? How are you making time for the other guy? Do you have to lie to see him or do you just tell him your busy? Just remember, lying this guy is a huge no-no and can have issues of its own.

 On the flip side you have the courting man. This gentleman is closer to your own age and has much more to offer you including that ring that you've always wanted. He also that man that'll bring you the children you've always wanted. But you cannot play with this guy’s heart.  He’s falling hard for you, and thinks you are falling for him too.  Are you?

A decision has to be made. Which will it be? Money and fun, or love of a lifetime?  This week we will be leaving Mercury Retrograde and you will be able to make a clearer decision for yourself. 

This is going to be the time when you're going to open your eyes and see things for the way they are and make the right decision for you.


We wish you love and light. See you next week - Leanne and Charlene

 Hello all.  FINAL THOUGHTS: Excuse my speech to text as always.  As come to the end of Mercury Retrograde on November 3rd here in the USA, please keep in mind, things can still go haywire with electronics. Don’t be surprised if there maybe longer lines at the polls and issues with voting stations or even a SURPRISE “recount” due to issues with voting machines going down that day. This will be a for the first time that the USA will possibly have a “uproar” over the Presidency and possible unnecessary rioting again.  As predicted last week, we are already seeing people doing thing such as blocking highways etc. I am asking our readers to please breathe during this time, be safe and PLEASE PRAY FOR PEACE IN THE USA.  - Charlene

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Disclaimer:  The information and advice given on and through readings you receive through Charmed Angel are treated purely for entertainment purposes only. Any predictions or messages you receive are not substitute for professional advice, self-help or assistance programs or any other professional treatment that you would receive from a professional such as a lawyer, doctor, psychiatrist, accountant or financial advisor. There are no guarantees or assurances of any kind given. Charmed Angel is not responsible for interpretation made or used by the recipient of the advice mentioned above.



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