
Showing posts from 2017

12/28/17 - Waves of Prosperity

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's card is Waves Of  Prosperity This is a great time where  abundance  comes to you. It means you're having a  successful  time. It's an excellent time to begin a new business venture so keep the doors open and they will be easily fulfilled for you. Thanks for joining me today! I am Happy to announce I am now an Affiliate to  If you interested in any crystals, jewelry, perfumes or gifts, please click here! To find this and all the other card decks I pull from, check them out at " My Favorite Place " Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

12/27/17 - Assertiveness

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's Card is  Assertiveness Your current situation calls for you to be  assertive ; speak your truth with  love .  Then let go of unhealthy, old communication habits. Don't do anything out of guilt or obligation. Be a good role model for others by practicing this trait. Be true to yourself and your values. Thanks for joining me today! I am Happy to announce I am now an Affiliate to  If you interested in any crystals, jewelry, perfumes or gifts, please click here! To find this and all the other card decks I pull from, check them out at " My Favorite Place " Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene ...

12/26/17 - Business Venture

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's Card is Business Venture You've been  desiring  a new career change, or even self employment. This card signifies that it's a good time to trust your  intuition  with respect to your career. Will soon receive a offer for a new job promotion or other new career  opportunity . Take the time to look at all options that are becoming available to you. Thanks for joining me today! I am Happy to announce I am now an Affiliate to  If you interested in any crystals, jewelry, perfumes or gifts, please click here! To find this and all the other card decks I pull from, check them out at " My Favorite Place " Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Ange...

12/21/17 - Eight of Gabriel

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's card is the Eight of Gabriel This is a time when things in your life will start to move at a faster pace.  Start to promote yourself and your business at this time. You start to see your hard work paying off coming into the New Year. Make sure you return all phone calls, text and emails.  Communication will be key at this time to whatever job you may have.    Thanks for joining me today! I am Happy to announce I am now an Affiliate to  If you interested in any crystals, jewelry, perfumes or gifts, please click here! To find this and all the other card decks I pull from, check them out at " My Favorite Place " Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed...

12/20/17 - No need to Worry

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's Card is No Need to Worry from the Angel Answers Deck by Doreen Virtue There is no need to obsess over your current situation.  Doing this is only going to manifest desires that you truly DON'T want.  Visualize what you DO want from the situation and keep the thoughts positive . You will see that the outcome will be what you asked for.  Then you will look back on the situation and wondered why you even worried in the first place.  Thanks for joining me today! I am Happy to announce I am now an Affiliate to  If you interested in any crystals, jewelry, perfumes or gifts, please click here! To find this and all the other card decks I pull from, check them out at " My Favorite Place " Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ On G+ Blogger  o...

12/19/17 - Eternal Flame

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's card is Eternal Flame It's time to live your truth. Time to hold your ground when other people are trying to tell you otherwise. Stand firm with your beliefs and you will feel empowered . Thanks for joining me today! I am Happy to announce I am now an Affiliate to  If you interested in any crystals, jewelry, perfumes or gifts, please click here! To find this and all the other card decks I pull from, check them out at " My Favorite Place " Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

12/18/17 - Yes (Mermaids)

Welcome to  Card of the Day! Today's Card is  Yes  from the  Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Cards by Doreen Virtue This card is to validate any feelings you have about the next move you are about to take  in your life.  Your  intuition  is correct and you can go forward without worry.  Thanks for joining me today! I am Happy to announce I am now an Affiliate to  If you interested in any crystals, jewelry, perfumes or gifts, please click here! To find this and all the other card decks I pull from, check them out at " My Favorite Place " Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

12/14/17 - Ace of Raphael

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's card is the Ace of Raphael This is the start of a new experience in your life.  In most cases is talks of a new romance .  You may find yourself falling in love during this time or finding a renewed sense of happiness in a current relationship. Thanks for joining me today! I am Happy to announce I am now an Affiliate to  If you interested in any crystals, jewelry, perfumes or gifts, please click here! To find this and all the other card decks I pull from, check them out at " My Favorite Place " Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

12/13/17 - Three of Ariel

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's card is Three of Ariel This card is about doing what you love to do!  Follow your passions and share what you know with others!  This passion can lead to something with financial rewards, so go for it! Thanks for joining me today! I am Happy to announce I am now an Affiliate to  If you interested in any crystals, jewelry, perfumes or gifts, please click here! To find this and all the other card decks I pull from, check them out at " My Favorite Place " Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

12/12/17 - New Beginnings

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's Card..New  Beginnings You've been called upon to renew your dedication to your  life's purpose . Each day of your life has led you to this moment. It's now time to review your personal history and make changes to your life that can take you into a different direction. Thanks for joining me today! I am Happy to announce I am now an Affiliate to  If you interested in any crystals, jewelry, perfumes or gifts, please click here! To find this and all the other card decks I pull from, check them out at " My Favorite Place " Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

12/11/17 - Abundance

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's card is Abundance What is it you are wishing for? This card is saying that everyone looks for different things and abundance comes in many forms. Visualize what you want and that your wish is coming true. The more positive that you stay, the quicker your dreams will manifest. Thanks for joining me today! I am Happy to announce I am now an Affiliate to  If you interested in any crystals, jewelry, perfumes or gifts, please click here! To find this and all the other cards I pull from, check them out at " My Favorite Place " Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

12/8/17 - Prince of Summer (Frog)

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's card is Prince of Summer (Frog) This is from the New Animal Tarot Deck by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine! This can be a male or female who are emotionally sweep you right off your feet. This can be a whirlwind Romance that can lead to decisions too quickly move in together or suddenly have a wedding proposal. Inasmuch as this can be a wonderful experience, keep your feet on the ground and really think about whats going on around you before making any quick decisions. Thanks for joining me today! I am Happy to announce I am now an Affiliate to  If you interested in any crystals, jewelry, perfumes or gifts, please click here! To find this and all the other cards I pull from, check them out at " My Favorite Place " Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and o...

12/7/17 - Beauty

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's Card is  Beauty Appreciate  yourself and how  beautiful  you are. Always have loving thoughts about yourself. Take some time for you. Go have a spa day, get a massage, a haircut, whatever makes you feel good about yourself. The more  positive  you are, the more you will attract others into your life. Thanks for joining me today! I am Happy to announce I am now an Affiliate to  If you interested in any crystals, jewelry, perfumes or gifts, please click here! To find this and all the other cards I pull from, check them out at " My Favorite Place " Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene ...

12/6/17 - Stay Optimistic

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's Card is Stay  Optimistic Your prayers are about to be answered!  A bit more   patience   on your part is required, but it will be worth it. Use your  imagination  to visualize that your dream has come true. Feel the joy and it will speed up your  manifestation . To find this and all the other cards I pull from, check them out at " My Favorite Place " Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene