Weekly Forecast for April 26 - May 3rd, 2020! Leap of Faith Brings Abundance!


Hello Everyone and Welcome to the Weekly Forecast from CharmedAngel444.com.
I’m Leanne here with Charlene to bring you this week’s forecast from the 
Archangel Power TarotDeck
By Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

 This week’s cards are the Leap of Faith, The Magician, the Ace of Michael and the card that fell from the deck the Seven of Ariel.  (Please see below for the interpretation of the cards!)


 As we start the week, we have the Leap of faith, this card is as it is saying is time follow your heart. Opportunities are all around you if you believe in yourself and your dreams.  You just need to take that one step to have a happier life.

 As you go into Tuesday and Wednesday you have the Magician. What is it that you truly want? Write it down, put it in your phone so you see it daily, show the universe you have it already. Put it out to the universe, then let it do its thing to help you. Any new projects started now for you will be successful but you must start moving forward to get what you want.  Don’t underestimate your skills and talents!

 Thursday into Friday you have the Ace of Michael.  This is show you taking your talents and ideas and taking them to fruition.  Yes, you may have a few bumps in the road starting out, but if you need help, don’t be afraid to ask.  This will get you back on track to success.

 Let’s talk the weekend, The Seven of Ariel.  This card is showing with a full week of working on making your dreams a success, there also calls for a bit a patience.  Yes, for some, instant gratification is warranted, but what you will find out, that the story the tortoise and the hair apply here.   Give you new project some time because in the end it will give you the abundance later to carry you through life.

 Thank for joining us this week – Leanne and Charlene



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