Weekly Forecast for March 1st - 7th, 2021! Recognition, Money and Work!


Hello and Welcome to CharmedAngel444.com Weekly Forecast for March 1st – March 7th, 2021!

 I’m Leanne here with Charlene to bring you this week’s Angel Card Reading from The Angel Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine.  This particular deck now out of print, has now been re-released by Radleigh. To find out more, click here.

 This week’s cards are Six of Fire, Page of Earth, and Four of Fire.  (Please see below the picture for interpretation.)

This week is about Recognition, Money and Work.  With the Six of Fire, you are showing the world that you have what it takes to make good decisions at work.  This will pay off in the form of recognition, an award or for some a promotion.   With this promotion may also bring you some fun benefits in the second half of 2021, say travel too?  Yes, we all know there is a pandemic, but after things calm down of course!

As we go into mid-week, this confirms the card of Monday and Tuesday!  The Page of Earth is telling us that inasmuch as you love the job you currently have; you cannot wait to start something new and exciting.  You love a good challenge and with this upcoming promotion, you will get just that.  Hang on to your hat, and get ready, its coming!

With the Four of Fire, this is showing what is coming in the near future; you have worked hard and now you are rewarded. This is what you having been waiting for, abundance, peace and contentment.  You feel you can count your blessings for everything in your world is positive.  For some, you may even meet your soulmate during this year too, possibly through work or a friend.  Wow, now that’s the way to bounce back into 2021!

Have a good week and we will see you next week for the weekly forecast! – Leanne


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Disclaimer:  The information and advice given on and through readings you receive through Charmed Angel are treated purely for entertainment purposes only. Any predictions or messages you receive are not substitute for professional advice, self-help or assistance programs or any other professional treatment that you would receive from a professional such as a lawyer, doctor, psychiatrist, accountant or financial advisor. There are no guarantees or assurances of any kind given. Charmed Angel is not responsible for interpretation made or used by the recipient of the advice mentioned above.


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