Weekly Forecast for February 1st - 7th, 2021! Mercury Retrograde & You!


Hello Our Friends and Welcome to the Weekly Forecast from CharmedAngel444.com for February 1 – February 7th, 2021.

 I’m Leanne here with Charlene to bring you this week’s forecast from the Doreen Virtue’s Crystal Angels Oracle Card Deck.

 Usually when I shuffle the deck for Charlene, we normally pull 3 cards; but this week we had a card fall out of the deck, so we always include it in the reading.  The cards are: Larimar, Sapphire, Aqua Aura and Rose Quartz. (Please see below the card for interpretation).

 As we start the week, we have the Larimar card.  This card is showing that during the beginning of Mercury Retrograde you have been feeling EXTRA sensitive.  What you aren’t understanding is that you have been absorbing other people’s energy (potentially negative energy) and that is why you have been feeling so upset.  Hopefully this card will help you recognize this, and help you let go of any person or situation that no longer serves you.  Be compassionate with yourself and thinking before speaking with certain people during this time. Avoid negative people as much as possible until retrograde is over February 20th.

 Towards the middle of the week, you have the Sapphire card. This is the perfect follow-up to the Larimar saying “Easy does it”.  Don’t push yourself too hard this week.  Stay in the present moment and tackle one project at a time so you don’t feel overwhelmed.  Just focus on what is in front of you.  You don’t need the extra pressure and whatever you do, take a moment to decompress when you need it this week by taking a walk or taking a rest this week when needed, don’t put your health at risk.  Make sure you are taking vitamins and eating right!

 As we go into the weekend, here is where we had an extra card fall out of the deck so we are going with both cards! You received Aqua Aura and Rose Quartz.  What’s interesting about these two cards is they go hand in hand.  They both talk about relationships, whether they are established or new. With the Aqua Aura, this is saying you need to COMMUNICATE (especially during a retrograde), regardless of which type of relationship you are in.  Things during this time have a tendency to be misinterpreted and misunderstood.  Talk things out. Have heart to hearts if needed so that that the Rose Quartz can renew current love, bring exes back or bring a new relationship closer. 

Just a side note here: If you do meet a new person or an ex returns, please keep your eyes open and keep the rose-colored glasses off.  We cannot stress this enough.  Some people are here to either have closure or are not here for your highest good.  Wishing you love and light. – Leanne and Charlene


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