Weekly Forecast August 10-16, 2020 Are You Golden (Girls)?

Hello and Welcome to CharmedAngel444.com 
Weekly Forecast for August 10th through 16th, 2020.

I'm Leanne here with Charlene as we use a new deck this week. This is Golden Girls Tarot deck by Chantal De Sousa. I couldn't believe that my mom found this for me, it’s one of my favorite TV sitcoms and so I have the pleasure of pulling 3 cards from this deck are the dates listed above.

 The cards from this week are the Nine of Swords, Page of Pentacles, and the Queen of Wands. Please look below the picture for the reading. - Leanne

As we start the beginning of the week, we have the Nine of Swords. When you look at the picture, its kind of gives off a negative feel to it. What it is showing is that what you're creating inside your mind is fear and anxiety but it's not actually your circumstances. But this doesn't necessarily mean that you are suffering an physical reality.

 This is an indication that you were worrying excessively about a situation. You were literally keeping yourself up at night because you're so anxious about a particular issue. Whether it's work, romance or your health; don't work yourself up unnecessarily. If you were to look at the situation more objectively you might come to realize that it's not as bad as you're making it out to be. In fact, all the worry is making it worse. Rather than fretting about it do something to change it.

 Ask yourself why you're being so hard on yourself?  What is the source of your anxiety or depression? What can you do to make yourself feel better? A great source to help with anxiety is meditation and essential oils.  Take a few minutes to look on YouTube for meditation videos If you don’t know any, click this link to go to our go too! If you would prefer cds or streaming, try AmazonThis can help bring your thoughts back into focus and help you with positivity.

 By mid-week you have the Page of Pentacles. By turning around your thought processes you start to manifest those dreams in a material form. The positive self-talk and meditation that you started is starting to turn your situation around.

 The Page of Pentacles talks about a new project, business venture, or beginning of a new educational experience. This card is telling you that you should start putting together your dreams and make a clear plan of action so you can achieve your goals. 

Purchase a journal to keep track of everything. Your main focus will be on practical and tangible items, keeping your feet firmly planted on the ground and not getting too carried away with more ideas and concepts but focusing on what's realistic and achievable. Be clear about what you want the results to be because that will bring you prosperity and fortune in the future.

 Now that you've set your intentions; going into the weekend you have the Queen of Wands. The queen is a fire energy. She is up for the challenge and so are you. This is showing that you know what you want and now you know how you want to get it. Stay focused on your goals, but make sure you're thankful for everything that you receive. You will find that your change of attitude will bring high creativity and a good sense of direction from this point forward. The only thing that needs to be said here is please watch your ego. Keep it in check and don't be stubborn during the process. Always be grateful. Surround yourself with good people that will help you rise above your expectations. Treat them with respect and you will do great things!

 So let's recap here. The biggest thing that we want to leave you with is leave the fear and worry behind you and focus on achieving your goals; but don't let anybody stand in your way. Be the boss that everybody wants you to be, and always give back because it will come back to you two-fold.

 Thanks for joining us, for the Golden Girls Tarot Reading! See you next week! - Leanne

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