Valentines Day 2020!

Good Valentines Morning 2020! I'm Leanne from
Today's I decided I wanted to drop a card for everyone out there! So let's get to it!
Today's Card is Playfulness
So heres a question, when is the last time you had fun? If you don't remember, that's kind of a indication that you are way overdue to get out and enjoy yourself. Playtime is essential for any good relationship to survive. Set up a night out with your other half either TONIGHT or this weekend, a  "date night." It doesn't have to extravagant, it could be just a fun night out with friends, playing at an arcade or catching a movie. Whatever it is you both like to do together. Go ahead, go out, laugh and have fun bring the romance back!

 Thanks for joining us today! - Charlene & Leanne!!! 

During Charlene's Summer Absence, I will be taking on Appointments! Click Here to Book your Reading with Me - Leanne  

The Next Jewelry Show is Coming Soon Stay Tuned on Charmed Angel 444 on Facebook!


Check us out on Facebook, Our Website
To Purchase any of the Coffees or anything we show on our Cards of the Day or
Cards & Coffee Friday's
Click this link!


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