Time for Reflection

Time for Reflection

As we enter the holiday season, we start to come into a time where a lot of people start to reflect on the year. After many readings and life coaching sessions over that past few months, I decided to put my thoughts in this blog. Some have expressed that 2017 has definitely been a major improvement over 2016. 

Many people in the year of 2016 lost loved ones, jobs, homes etc. To compensate for the hard year they had, they found themselves burying themselves in whatever made them feel better. Whether it be work, or a hobby, whatever it took to keep their mind away from their hurts. What I explained to most of my clients is that burying yourself doesn't help the situation, it just prolongs the issues and pain and we worked to break the cycle. 

What I found is that the year of 2017 became the year of new beginnings for most. What I found even more interesting, in a lot of the readings in January and February of 2017, the New Beginnings card appeared frequently in a lot of readings. There was a new glimpse of hope. A lot of my clients found new relationships, some became engaged or married, some even had children. I even had a few find their dream job or opened their own businesses. But whatever it was, there was that “glimmer of hope” that everyone had been waiting for. Yes, the cards were a help, but we used other techniques to bring in what they truly wanted out of their lives. 

I even found for myself that I was producing more video's and pushed myself beyond my limits this year. I took classes, I'm in the process of writing a book and pushing myself beyond my wildest dreams. 

But what I want for all of you in 2018 is to get you where you want to be in your life. If you decide you want to have a session with me, have a paper and pen handy, you never know where the session will go. Let's get you on the path of happiness and joy! I wish you all nothing but love and light. 

I am thankful and blessed for the love and support you all have given me for over the past few years.  Charmed Angel 444

Thanks for joining me today!
Find me on Facebook, MyWebsite @ CharmedAngel444.com
and on Twitter & Keen.Com @CharmedAngel444


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