Weekend Forecast for July 29th - August 1, 2022!

Hello everyone, Leanne here from Charmedangel444.com . I’m here to give you the weekend forecast from July 29th - August 1st, 2022! This weekend’s cards are from various decks. Thought it would be fun to do. The Archangel Deck by Radleigh and Doreen, My Deck Sweet Freaks and The Romance Angels Deck by Doreen Virtue. The Cards are Decision, Ace of Wands & Calling in Your Soulmate! As we start off the weekend you are going to have to make a decision about your love life. It won't come easy for you, but once you do, you will find that you will be much happier. You have been unhappy for quite some time. Yes, it won't be easy for you to tell the other person, but you can't live unhappily anymore. Going into Saturday, you have the Ace of Wands ! This encourages you to follow your heart and live your passion. This card is telling you it's ok to move on. This is an opportunity also to grow on a personal and spiritual l...