Weekly Forecast for October 27th - November 1st, 2020! Halloween Week!

Hello Everyone and Welcome to Charmedangel444.com
Here is the Weekly Forecast for the
Week of October 26th through November 1st 2020.
Happy Halloween to everyone. 

 It’s Leanne, here with Charlene to bring you the “Creepy Halloween Forecast” for this week, so let’s get started! Please see below picture for interpretation by Charlene. 

 As always during the week of Halloween we use the Beautiful Creatures Tarot deck by J. R. Rivera and Jasmine Becket Griffith. This deck is fun because it's just has the most adorable creatures that remind us so much of what Halloween is all about. Cards for this week are The Empress in reverse, The Four of Earth in reverse, and the final card for the week is The Six of Water upright.

 Starting off the week you have the Empress in Reverse. This is a major Arcana card. When this is in reverse the card advises that you have several creative venues but you are being too lazy to create anything. People, situations, and even you, need nurturing, but you'd rather nurture and cater to things that aren't relevant in your life.

 By mid-week you have the Four of Earth's reversed. When it comes up reversed, this means you are in the process of letting of go. Whatever it is that you have in your possession you no longer have to be attached to it. (That includes relationships). You've learned to release things that are useless to you and value what is more important in your life. If you need clarity, sit down and write the positives and negatives of why you need to let the possession or relationship go if you need it to realize why.

 By the end of the week you have the Six of Waters upright. This is a great way to end the week because it goes hand-in-hand with retrograde. This represents sweet memories from your past that will start to resurface. You're remembering a time when everything was wonderful. Something or someone from your past is going to come back and it's time to embrace it. You may find a significant object that has belonged to you from the past like a teddy bear, a piece of jewelry or someone that inspires you may come to mind and a fond remembrance. Try to reflect on all positive memories. It's a great way to end the week. It's also a great way to end the retrograde on the 3rd.

 Now I’m going plug in the headset so Charlene can speech to text this week’s final words - Leanne

 Hello all.  Excuse my speech to text as always.  As come to the end of Mercury Retrograde on November 3rd here in the USA, please keep in mind, things can still go haywire with electronics. Don’t be surprised if there maybe longer lines at the polls and issues with voting stations or even a SURPRISE “recount” due to issues with voting machines going down that day. This will be a for the first time that the USA will possibly have a “uproar” over the Presidency and possible unnecessary rioting again. I am asking our readers to please breathe during this time, be safe and PLEASE PRAY FOR PEACE IN THE USA.  - Charlene


 Have a safe and wonderful Halloween! – Charlene and Leanne

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Disclaimer:  The information and advice given on and through readings you receive through Charmed Angel are treated purely for entertainment purposes only. Any predictions or messages you receive are not substitute for professional advice, self-help or assistance programs or any other professional treatment that you would receive from a professional such as a lawyer, doctor, psychiatrist, accountant or financial advisor. There are no guarantees or assurances of any kind given. Charmed Angel is not responsible for interpretation made or used by the recipient of the advice mentioned above.






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