Weekly Forecast for October 27th - November 1st, 2020! Halloween Week!

Hello Everyone and Welcome to Charmedangel444.com . Here is the Weekly Forecast for the Week of October 26th through November 1st 2020. Happy Halloween to everyone. It’s Leanne, here with Charlene to bring you the “Creepy Halloween Forecast” for this week, so let’s get started! Please see below picture for interpretation by Charlene. As always during the week of Halloween we use the Beautiful Creatures Tarot deck by J. R. Rivera and Jasmine Becket Griffith. This deck is fun because it's just has the most adorable creatures that remind us so much of what Halloween is all about. Cards for this week are The Empress in reverse, The Four of Earth in reverse, and the final card for the week is The Six of Water upright. Starting off the week you have the Empress in Reverse. This is a major Arcana card. When this is in reverse the card advises that you have several creative venues but you are being too lazy to create anything. People, situations, a...