Weekly Forecast for August 31st - September 7th, 2020 (Labor Day)! It's all about Teacher's This Week!

Hello and Welcome to CharmedAngel444.com Weekly Forecast for August 31st - September 7th, 2020 (Labor Day). I'm Leanne, your favorite card shuffler extraordinaire, social media guru and funny woman here with Charlene your card interpreter for this week’s forecast. This week’s cards are from the Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. As the cards came out of the deck, I immediately realized that it was about our hero school teachers! The cards are Trust, Leadership and Teaching. (Please see write up below the picture.) The opening part of the week you have Trust. The angels sent the card to validate your feelings. If you feel dissatisfaction with any situation, trust these feelings. The first step is to notice these feelings. Then ask yourself. What do I truly want? Then notice your physical and emotional reaction to that response. This will guide you to the right choice for you. For example: some of you may be decidi...