
Showing posts from November, 2017

11/30/17 - Crystal Clear Intentions

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's card is Crystal Clear  Intentions Be bold enough to admit what you truly  desire .  Prosperity  and  abundance  are God's wishes for everyone.  Make a clear picture of what you desire and that you have already  manifested  it already. Feel it. Don't worry how the desire will  manifest -it will come to you in clever ways. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

11/29/17 Ace of Winter (Panda)

Welcome to  Card of the Day! from the New Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine  Animal Tarot Cards Ace of Winter (Panda) This card is showing that you have determination even during the hardest of times. This card is also saying don't give up on all the challenges that you may have ahead; this will help you reshape your goals into something even better. Don't give up on any dreams that you have currently. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

11/28/17 - Change in Direction

Welcome to Card of the day! Today's card is Change in Direction Your old ways of living no longer interests you, you find yourself avoiding friends and pastimes that previously attracted you. You  desire  a lifestyle and career that will be better fit your new interests and  passions . You are starting a new phase in your life which will bring new  opportunities  and  relationships . Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

11/27/17 - Ask Your Angels!

Welcome to  Card of the Day! Today's card is Ask Your  Angels ! Dont be afraid to ask  angels  for  assistance .   When you ask for what you want and state it clearly so the  angels  can help.  Ask the  Angels  for a sign through a  feeling,   hearing  or  sight  and guide you on the right path. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

11/26/17 - The Wheel (Reindeer)

Welcome to Card of the Day! from the New Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine Animal Tarot Cards The Wheel (Reindeer) It's time to take action with your life. This card is saying it's time to move forward. Progress can be made through opportunity and blessings. It's time for New Direction, so get ready! To Purchase this or any of the other decks that I pull from, you can find them here ! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

11/25/17 - Romantic Partner

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's Card is  Romantic  Partner Romance is a state of requires playfulness and creativity... By pulling this card, a new wave of  romance  is coming your way. It could manifest itself in a number of ways, such as meeting a new  partne r who makes your heart sing, or a  rejuvenation  of a romance with a current love. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

Time for Reflection

Welcome to   Time for Reflection As we enter the holiday season, we start to come into a time where a lot of people start to reflect on the year. After many readings and life coaching sessions over that past few months, I decided to put my thoughts in this blog. Some have expressed that 2017 has definitely been a major improvement over 2016.  Many people in the year of 2016 lost loved ones, jobs, homes etc. To compensate for the hard year they had, they found themselves burying themselves in whatever made them feel better. Whether it be work, or a hobby, whatever it took to keep their mind away from their hurts. What I explained to most of my clients is that burying yourself doesn't help the situation, it just prolongs the issues and pain and we worked to break the cycle.  What I found is that the year of 2017 became the year of new beginnings for most. What I found even more interesting, in a lot of the readings in January and February...

11/23/17 - Family

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's Card is  Family This card landed on the the perfect day! Take the time to reconnect, laugh, and enjoy each other's company.  If there are any issues, clear them up while you are together. You don't get the chance to spend time together that frequently, take advantage of it.   Enjoy it.  Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

11/22/17 - Flirt

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's card is   Flirt  F lirting  is being playful by making  eye contact , giving a  smile , and connecting with another person. Just a simple  "Hello"  can bring you a new friend or maybe a potential new partner. The more you do this, the more chances you will connect to more people. Most potential relationships happen through mutual friends. It's time for you to get out there and say  "Hello" ! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

11/21/17 - Make Music

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's Card is Make  Music Today's card is telling you to surround yourself with  music . Whether you  listen  to it, play an instrument, or  dance  to it, notice how you feel when you hear your favorite songs.  Recognize how it heightens your mood and makes you feel wonderful. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

11/20/17 - There's Nothing to Worry About

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's card is There's Nothing to  Worry  About You are  needlessly  worrying . Everything is much better than you are  imagining .  The angels are with you, everything will be ok. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

11/19/20 - Hematite

Welcome to  Card of the Day Today's card is  Hematite This card was pulled today to remind you to carry a piece of  Hematite  with you to keep you grounded, especially during times when you feel stress. It will help you have the courage and strength to get through whatever you maybe dealing with. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at CharmedAngel444

11/16/17 - See Only Love

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's card is See Only  Love Look past others personalities and egos and see the good in them.  Its time to  release  all hurt, anger and judgement.  It's time to  forgive . Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

11/15/17 - Law of Attraction

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's card is  Law of Attraction Elevate  your thoughts to  attract  what you desire. Rise up to the level of the type of person you wish to  attract  or want to be. Like attracts like.. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

11/14/17 - Patience

Welcome to Card of the Day!  Today's Card is  Patience If you are feeling rushed, unhappy or stressed, its now time to be more aware of your surroundings.   It's time to slow down and " smell the roses ". Enjoy the process of realizing your  dreams . Feel  gratitude , each moment brings you  manifestation  into a substantial form. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

11/13/17 - All Is Well

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's card is  All Is Well Sometimes when we think something is a problem, it turns out to be a  blessing in disguise . Remember change is for the  better ! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

11/9/17 - New Love

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's card is New  Love  This card may mean you will soon meet someone or you may have recently met someone who may potentially become a  partner  in your life. This card validates that a recent connection you had with a person was mutual and real. You deserve this  love , keep your  heart  open! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

11/8/17 - Shower of Abundance

Welcome to Card of the Day! Coming to you today from Sunny Florida! Today's card is Shower of  Abundance Abundance  comes in many forms, including more  time ,  opportunities  and clear ideas...not just money. Be  Grateful  for everything, be thankful for what comes to you.. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

11/7/17 - Entrepreneur

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's card is  Entrepreneur You are well suited for  self-employment . You have the drive and ideas required to be an  entrepreneur .  It's now time to fully commit to succeed in your new business.  Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

11/6/17 - Notice the Signs

Welcome to Card of the Day!  Today's Card is Notice the Signs Have  faith . The  angels  are sending you signs that you are on the right path. It could be in the form of  feathers ,  coins , or repetitive dreams. These signs are guiding you to your hearts desires. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

11/2/17 - Teaching and Learning

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's card is  Teaching  and  Learning Teach  others topics that awaken your  passions . Be open to sharing new  ideas , Learn about new topics and about things that aren't necessarily in your norm of interest.  Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene

11/1/17 - Assertiveness

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's Card is  Assertiveness Its time to face a situation you have dealing with directly.  The situation can only be rectified if you clearly  communicate  your needs to others. Handle conflict with  honesty  and  love . Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed Angel 444 Readings By Charlene