Showing posts from November, 2016
11/30/16 - Be Honest with Yourself
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- Other Apps Presents.. Today's Card - Be Honest with Yourself It's time to stop hiding your true feelings and be honest about something that is happening in your life. Take a minute to stop, breathe and release the feelings of anger, depression and feeling stuck. Meditation can help with this.. It's time to be happy again. MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW! CLICK HERE FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at Charmed Angel Reader Charlene
11/29/16 - Tourmaline
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- Other Apps Presents.. Today's Card - Tourmaline Tourmaline is used to get rid of any old is stagnant energy from your physical body, your homework, or any other environment. Tourmaline helps you release stress from your body and your mind I remind you to remain positive no matter what the circumstances are in your life. Carry a piece with you it is a calming and protection stone. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at Charmed Angel Reader Charlene
11/28/16 - Time To Go
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- Other Apps Presents.. Today's Card - Time To Go The angels are making you realize it's time for you to let go of a situation that no longer serves you. You know what situation that they are referring to. They are telling you you know it's for the best. Do not feel guilty about this decision. Call upon Archangel Michae l for help and ask for harmony during this transition. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at Charmed Angel Reader Charlene
11/27/16 - Blessed Change
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Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Blessed Change This card assures you that the changes in your life are actually helping you leave behind which no longer serves you. Change brings in fresh opportunities to learn, grow, prosper and create new relationships. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at Charmed Angel Reader Charlene
11/26/16 - Flirt
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Charmed Angel Card Reader Presents.. Today's Card - Flirt F lirting is being playful by making eye contact , giving a smile , and connecting with another person. Just a simple "Hello" can bring you a new friend or maybe a potential new partner. The more you do this, the more chances you will connect to more people. Most potential relationships happen through mutual friends. It's time for you to get out there and say "Hello" ! MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW! CLICK HERE FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at Charmed Angel Reader Charlene
11/25/16 - Zincite (Root Chakra)
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- Other Apps Presents.. Today's Card - Zincite (Root Chakra) This card talks about your physical body . A lot of the time we look in the mirror and start asking ourselves, do I look good in this? Do I appear ok to others? It's time to get back in touch with a healthy balance for yourself. Especially during the holidays we tend to do a lot of visiting and overindulging. Pay attention to how your body feels after you eat something, if you don't feel right, change it. This card is telling us that we recognize this, and we are ready to get back to a healthier lifestyle. What will you do to make yourself feel good right now? Thanks for joining me today! Find me on Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at Charmed Angel Reader Charlene ...
11/24/16 - Look Inside Yourself
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- Other Apps Presents.. Today's Card - Look Inside Yourself Have you ever looked at yourself in a mirror and felt kind of empty? Have you ever tried to fill the void by purchasing something or finding someone just to fill a void? This card is telling you that instead of going looking for these things, it’s time to look within yourself for answers. Meditation is a great way to help you see what is best for you. Try it, you may find the answers you have been looking for. MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW! CLICK HERE FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at Charmed Angel Reader Charlene
11/23/16 - Volunteer
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- Other Apps Presents.. Today's Card - Volunteer This card is saying to make time to volunteer to help someone or help with something that has meaning to you. Remember when you give , you also receive in return. MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW! CLICK HERE FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at Charmed Angel Reader Charlene
11/22/16 - Stillbite
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- Other Apps Presents.. Today's Card - Stillbite This is the stone that is for the Heart & Crown Chakras . This Stone helps you receive infinite love and helps you interpret your dreams. You have pulled this card because you need deep self-love and pay more attention to messages while you're dreaming at night. MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW! CLICK HERE FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at Charmed Angel Reader Charlene
11/21/16 - Winter
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Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Winter This card tells us that what we truly desire is realized in the winter months. This is the time we are best at completing projects, connecting with family members and starting to think about we truly want. Is it a new job , a new relationship , or maybe move to a new location. MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW! CLICK HERE FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at Charmed Angel Reader Charlene
11/20/16 - Clairsentience
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Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Todays Card - Clairsentience Don't be afraid of deep intense and emotional feelings. Archangel Raguel is here help you distinguish between your own feelings and those of others. Ask him to help translate confusing messages so that you clearly you know what steps to take to move forward. MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW! CLICK HERE FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at Charmed Angel Reader Charlene
11/19/16 - Victory
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Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents... Today's Card - Victory Your focus and dedication have resulted in a blissful manifestation . You feel peaceful now. Know with all that you have done, the future will be taken care of in a positive way, enjoy the present moment. MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW! CLICK HERE FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at Charmed Angel Reader Charlene
11/18/16 - Life Review
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Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Life Review It's time to look back on your life and see what you have learned . These lessons will help you in decisions as you move forward . Take notice on what has and has not worked for you in the past so you don't repeat things that weren't good for you. MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW! CLICK HERE FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at Charmed Angel Reader Charlene
11/17/16 - You Know What to Do
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Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents... You Know What To Do This is a sign is showing you that Archangel Uriel is with you, telling you to know what steps to take... You are wiser than you give yourself credit for. Your inner wisdom has already given you the answers you seek. Trust you have the knowledge to follow through and put these ideas into action. MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW! CLICK HERE FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at Charmed Angel Reader Charlene
11/16/16 - Breathe
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- Other Apps Presents.. Today's Card - Breathe When you feel stressed or upset, take a minute for yourself, Even if that means excusing yourself and walking away from a situation for a bit. Where ever you are, take a few deep breaths to recenter yourself. Just remember, things will be okay. MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW! CLICK HERE FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at Charmed Angel Reader Charlene
11/15/16 - Teaching and Learning
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Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Teaching and Learning Teach others topics that awaken your passions . Be open to sharing new ideas , Learn about new topics and about things that aren't necessarily in your norm of interest. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at Charmed Angel Reader Charlene
11/14/16 - Autumn
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- Other Apps Presents.. Today's Card - Autumn This card has come up because the question you are currently asking about will coming to fruition in Autumn . You need to keep your thoughts positive and mind on the prize and things will start happening the way you want them too! Keep going, you have this! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at Charmed Angel Reader Charlene
11/13/16 - Get Some Exercise
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- Other Apps Presents.. Today's Card - Get Some Exercise We pulled this card today because the fairies were telling us the importance of good health. Exercise is a good stress reducer and can be done in such fun and great ways. You can go dancing , do yoga , go to the gym, take a walk outdoors. Do whatever works for you. Get Moving! Enjoy! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at Charmed Angel Reader Charlene
11/12/16 - Love Life
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- Other Apps Presents.. Today's Card - Love Life Your love life is changing for the better. You have been asking the universe a new person to enter your life. This card is saying it is coming very soon. Ask your angels to call in your soulmate . Thanks for joining me today! Find me on Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at Charmed Angel Reader Charlene
11/11/16 - New Career
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- Other Apps Presents.. Today's Card - New Career You are ready to make that career move. Start getting your resume updated, or consider returning to school to take some classes about a new skill. Trust your intuition about which way you want to go, because either way will bring you the success you desire. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at Charmed Angel Reader Charlene
11/10/16 - Dietary Change
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Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Dietary Change The fairies are saying that your body's metabolism is extremely sensitive. It's time to take a look at what you can do to switch to a healthier diet. Doing this improvement can also heal other areas of your life. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at Charmed Angel Reader Charlene
11/9/16 - Steady Progress
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Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Steady Progress You are on the right path, even if it feels like you're moving slowly. Focus on your progress instead of expecting perfection from yourself. Look at how far you have come, how many lessons you have learned and how many people you've helped. Appreciate yourself. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at Charmed Angel Reader Charlene
11/8/16 - Entrepreneur
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Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents... Today's Card - Entrepreneur You are well suited for self-employment . You have the drive and ideas required to be an entrepreneur . It's now time to fully commit to succeed in your new business. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at Charmed Angel Reader Charlene