Weekend Forecast for December 17-19th, 2021! Travel in the Forecast!
Welcome to Charmedangel444.com Weekend Outlook for December 17-19th, 2021! I’m Leanne bringing you today’s card from the That’s So 90’s Deck from Divine Moon Empress ! Today’s Card is the 3 of Wands! (Please see below the card for interpretation!) It's Holiday time and what does that mean? Holiday travel! Got your tickets? Are you packed and gifts ready? Then the holidays are here! (Please of course be safe about it). The three of Wand card represents travel ; whether it be for visiting family, taking a vacation or just getting away for a tropical holiday. It’s telling you to be a little adventurous and venture to places you have never been before; you will discover more about yourself and learn cool new things along the way. If you are traveling abroad, please make sure with this upswing of covid-19 that you are traveling safely and check in with the airline so there are no snags getting there. You don’t w...