
Showing posts from September, 2020

Weekly Forecast for September 28th - October 4, 2020 Don't Give In To An Ex!

Hello our friends and Welcome to Weekly Forecast  for September 28th-October 4th, 2020.   I am Leanne, your card shuffler, and social media guru here with Charlene, who will be interpreting this week’s cards.   This week will be reading from the Doreen Virtue Romance Deck . The cards are: Reconciliation, Unrequited Love, and Separation. (Please see below the cards for the write up.)   As we start the week, we have the Reconciliation card. This card indicates that an ex-lover may be re-entering your life. The first person you're thinking of right now is probably who it's going to be. The purpose of this person returning is either to achieve healing or closure when it comes to your past. But the way the cards are, this person wants another opportunity to make things right and get back together.   As you can see by the second card, by midweek you have Unrequited Love.  This in a nutshell means that you really have no interest in...

Weekly Forecast for September 21-27, 2020 Go with Your Intuition!

  Hello and welcome to Weekly Forecast for September 21st thru 27th 2020. I'm Leanne here with Charlene to bring you this week's reading from Healing with the Fairies by Doreen Virtue . This week's cards are Look Inside Yourself, Trust Your Intuition, and Stand Your Ground.  (Please look below the picture for the description.)   This week will start with Look Inside Yourself. You will have to make some very serious decisions. Perhaps you will ask a friend, a mentor, or even a professional for some advice. If you are finding that you are getting different solutions from everyone; you need to take the time to meditate to see what your inner guidance is telling you, look within yourself to find answers that you need.   By the middle of the week you have Trust Your Intuition. This is about following your heart and knowing deep down what to do. It's time to pay careful attention to everything that's going on around you, not ignore message...

Card of the Day for September 16, 2020! Five of Raphael!

Good Morning Everyone! Welcome to the Card of the Day for September 16, 2020! I'm Leanne from .   I had a few minutes today and decided to pull a card.   Today's Card is the Five of  Raphael . As the card says, everything happens for a reason! Don't dwell on the negative. It's time to  embrace  the changes ahead and look forward to the  happiness  that is coming. The universe has better things in store for you.  We will be back next week with the weekly forecast :). Thanks for joining me today! - Leanne  New Specials are Up! Book an  appointment ! To Donate to our Page click  here ! Become a Preferred Subscriber and get in on all the great specials that aren't  offered on our regular pages, Click  Here !  Disclaimer:  The information and advice given on and through readings you receive through Charmed Angel are treated purely for entertainment purposes only. Any predictions or messag...

Labor Day weekend - September 13, 2020 Fun times & New Love!

  Hello Everyone and Welcome to the Weekly Forecast from . This is the Forecast for Labor Day Weekend through September 13th, 2020.   I am Leanne, the card extraordinaire and social media expert. I am here with Charlene who's going to interpret the cards. This week’s cards are from Amira's Love Oracle . The cards for this week are: Brunette Female, Mature Man, Communication, Fun Times, and New Love. (Please see below the picture for the write up).   As we look at the cards the way they are placed you can see that there's a new relationship brewing between the brunette female and a mature man. The way the cards are placed, if this is you, you may have met this person recently.  However; this weekend the relationship will take a turn and your phone may start to blow up. You may be in constant communication via text. But don’t be surprised if this will turn into long phone calls, then perhaps a date.   Make sure you are prepared for anyt...