Weekly Forecast for September 28th - October 4, 2020 Don't Give In To An Ex!

Hello our friends and Welcome to CharmedAngel444.com Weekly Forecast for September 28th-October 4th, 2020. I am Leanne, your card shuffler, and social media guru here with Charlene, who will be interpreting this week’s cards. This week will be reading from the Doreen Virtue Romance Deck . The cards are: Reconciliation, Unrequited Love, and Separation. (Please see below the cards for the write up.) As we start the week, we have the Reconciliation card. This card indicates that an ex-lover may be re-entering your life. The first person you're thinking of right now is probably who it's going to be. The purpose of this person returning is either to achieve healing or closure when it comes to your past. But the way the cards are, this person wants another opportunity to make things right and get back together. As you can see by the second card, by midweek you have Unrequited Love. This in a nutshell means that you really have no interest in...