10/30/19 - Nine of Raphael
Good Morning and Welcome to CharmedAngel444 Card of the day for October 30th, 2019! Today's Card is the Nine of Raphael Wow! What a great card for today; it's the Nine of Raphael. This card is telling you to make that wish because your dreams are becoming reality. It's time for Finances and health to move in an upward direction. Just believe anything you ever wanted can now be yours. Affirm: I have an unlimited abundance coming into my life 3x a day, and see how things will start to quickly change. Remember abundance comes in so many ways, whether it be health or wealth so MAKE THAT SPECIFIC WISH NOW! Believe you have it and good will flowing into your life and and opportunities are going to become what you have been asking for. This weekend you'll be able to sit back kick your feet up and have some fun. Thanks for joining us today! - Charlene & Leanne !!! During Charle...