
Showing posts from March, 2019

3/27/19 - Tourmaline

Hi and Welcome to  Charmed Angel 444  Card of the Day! The cards will be now be pulled, typed and uplifted by Leanne. All cards will be interpreted by Charlene. Today's Card -  Tourmaline Tourmaline is used to get rid of any old is stagnant energy from your physical body, your homework, or any other environment.  Tourmaline  helps you release stress from your body and your mind I remind you to remain positive no matter what the circumstances are in your life. Carry a piece with you it is a calming and protection stone.  Thanks for joining us today! -  Charlene & Leanne !!! Join us now for our 15 for 15 PHONE special! That's right, 15 minutes for $15.00 good until  April 1st 2019! To Book an Appointment! Click  Here! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website &  Twitter To Purchase any of the Coffees or anything we ...

3/26/19 - The Emperor

Hi and Welcome to  Charmed Angel 444  Card of the Day! The cards will be now be pulled, typed and uplifted by Leanne. All cards will be interpreted by Charlene. Today's Card is The  Emperor This card signifies a desire to be   successful  and to make wise choices. Get organized so that you can be more effective. Thanks for joining us today! -  Charlene & Leanne !!! Join us now for our 15 for 15 PHONE special! That's right, 15 minutes for $15.00 good until  April 1st 2019! To Book an Appointment! Click  Here! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website &  Twitter To Purchase any of the Coffees or anything we show on our Cards of the Day or Cards & Coffee Friday's Click this  link!

3/25/19 - Knight of Swords

Hi and Welcome to  Charmed Angel 444  Card of the Day! The cards will be now be pulled, typed and uplifted by Leanne. All cards will be interpreted by Charlene. Today’s card is the Knight of Swords This card is going to set the tone for the week of 3/25/19 Please continue to read below the card for Career, Love & Health This card reflects on a time when you are starting a new project or idea and there's no stopping you. You have a sudden burst of energy that moves you forward inspires you to take quick action and manifesting your goals . You are ready to overcome any problem challenge or obstacle that is in your path. How could anything stand in your way if you are focusing committed on your goal ? However; you can be prone to rushing into things and cutting corners to get the job done. Sometimes it's works for you, but other times it doesn't. Think before you jump into something; do your homework. Remember if you're all fired up about somethin...

3/21/19 - Eight of Gabriel

Hi and Welcome to  Charmed Angel 444  Card of the Day! The cards will be now be pulled, typed and uplifted by Leanne. All cards will be interpreted by Charlene. Today's card is the Eight of Gabriel This is a time when things in your life will start to move at a faster pace.  Start to  promote  yourself and your  business  at this time. You are starting to see your hard work paying off since the start of this New Year. Make sure you return all phone calls, text and emails.   Communication  will be key at this time to whatever job you may have.    Thanks for joining us today! -  Charlene & Leanne !!! Join us now for our 15 for 15 PHONE special! That's right, 15 minutes for $15.00 good until  April 1st 2019! To Book an Appointment! Click  Here! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website &  Twitter ...

3/20/19 - Green Averturine

Hi and Welcome to  Charmed Angel 444  Card of the Day! The cards will be now be pulled, typed and uplifted by Leanne. All cards will be interpreted by Charlene. Today's Card is  Green Aventurine This stone is the stone of  prosperity  in all parts of your life. It's considered the stone of  luck  and  abundance .  Whether it be family, business or other parts of your life that is ready for expansion, this will bring more of what you ask for if you stay focused and continue to remain  positive . Thanks for joining us today! -  Charlene & Leanne !!! Join us now for our 15 for 15 PHONE special! That's right, 15 minutes for $15.00 good until  April 1st 2019! To Book an Appointment! Click  Here! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website &  Twitter To Purchase any of the Coffees or anything w...

3/19/19 - Inner Authority

Hi and Welcome to  Charmed Angel 444  Card of the Day! The cards will be now be pulled, typed and uplifted by Leanne. All cards will be interpreted by Charlene. Today's Card is  Inner Authority This Card comes from the  Archangel Raphael  Healing Deck.  It is telling you to stop giving away your power to others.  It's time to stand up for yourself, speak up and do what is best for you!  You know through your  intuition  what is the best path for you to take. Its time to make the life changes that are needed to have the happy life you have always dreamed about! Thanks for joining us today! -  Charlene & Leanne !!! Join us now for our 15 for 15 PHONE special! That's right, 15 minutes for $15.00 good until  April 1st 2019! To Book an Appointment! Click  Here! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website &  Twitter To Pu...

3/18/19 - Temperance

Hi and Welcome to  Charmed Angel 444  Card of the Day! The cards will be now be pulled, typed and uplifted by Leanne. All cards will be interpreted by Charlene. This card is the card that will set the tone for the week of 3/17/19 Read below for Career, Romance and Health Today's card is Temperance Temperance is about balance patients in moderation in your life. It's about not letting things get to you; finding a place of peace and balance and getting perspective when things get crazy. It's about being able to work in harmony with others; to join forces and bring things together. It asks you to be patient and don't rush to get a situation solved right away and its own natural time. With Work or Career , you'll be able to show others that you have total control over things that are going on and you will bring a sense of peace to everybody at your work. If you're considering a career change this is suggesting that you're going to change yo...

3/14/19 - Assertiveness

Hi and Welcome to  Charmed Angel 444  Card of the Day! The cards will be now be pulled, typed and uplifted by Leanne. All cards will be interpreted by Charlene. Today's Card -  Assertiveness Your current situation calls for you to be  assertive ; speak your truth with  love .  Then let go of unhealthy, old communication habits. Don't do anything out of guilt or obligation. Be a good role model for others by practicing this trait. Be true to yourself and your values. Thanks for joining us today! -  Charlene & Leanne !!! Join us now for our 15 for 15 PHONE special! That's right, 15 minutes for $15.00 good until  April 1st 2019! To Book an Appointment! Click  Here! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website &  Twitter To Purchase any of the Coffees or anything we show on our Cards of the Day or Cards & Coffee Friday's ...

3/13/19 - Let Your Past Go

Hi and Welcome to  Charmed Angel 444  Card of the Day! The cards will be now be pulled, typed and uplifted by Leanne. All cards will be interpreted by Charlene. Today's Card is Let Your Past Go This Card is here to tell you its now time to let go of feelings and thoughts of the past that are holding you back. You don't want to repeat the same patterns as you move on into a new or potential relationship. Now its time to start  forgiving  yourself or whomever has hurt you so you may find  peace  and  happiness  in the future.  Thanks for joining us today! -  Charlene & Leanne !!! Join us now for our 15 for 15 PHONE special! That's right, 15 minutes for $15.00 good until  April 1st 2019! To Book an Appointment! Click  Here! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website &  Twitter To Purchase any of the Coffees or anything ...

3/12/19 - Patience

Hi and Welcome to  Charmed Angel 444  Card of the Day! The cards will be now be pulled, typed and uplifted by Leanne. All cards will be interpreted by Charlene. Today’s card is Patience Many of you wanted to start that new project or business and you've done your homework; but it's not exactly the right time now to share it with the world yet. With Mercury retrograde currently here, it has a tendency to set your plans back just a hair. Don't get discouraged gather more information right now. What you don't realize at this moment, is this is to your benefit.  You'll absorb and gather more necessary information and come up with more ideas that will help you out in the long run. Soon enough everything will come to fruition. As they say Patience is a virtue. Thanks for joining us today! -  Charlene & Leanne !!! Join us now for our 15 for 15 PHONE special! That's right, 15 minutes for $15.00 good until  April 1st 2019! To B...

3/11/19 - Six of Wands

Hi and Welcome to  Charmed Angel 444  Card of the Day! The cards will be now be pulled, typed and uplifted by Leanne. All cards will be interpreted by Charlene. The Six of Wands is the card that will set the tone for the week.  Look below for more information.  Let's talk career ! This will suggest that you'll be successful in landing any position that you want if you are looking for a new job. You will interview with confidence and the person interviewing you will be drawn to you. Your personality and wit will win them over quickly to get that new position.  If you're currently at a position, you will receive praise for job well done. It may not just come in the form of just an award ; but maybe even in form of a raise , In relationships , there's a new potential partner coming quite soon. You'll be very proud of yourself that you've noticed this person or they noticed you. However; keep in mind that if you're starting this during a ...

3/7/19 - Gifts from God

Hi and Welcome to  Charmed Angel 444  Card of the Day! The cards will be now be pulled, typed and uplifted by Leanne. All cards will be interpreted by Charlene. Today's Card is  Gifts  From God God wants you to be  happy ,  healthy , and  secure , and that all your needs will be provided. Love is being sent in many forms the only task is now that you be willing to  receive . Thanks for joining us today! -  Charlene & Leanne !!! To Book an Appointment! Click  Here ! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website &  Twitter To Purchase any of the Coffees or anything we show on our Cards of the Day or Cards & Coffee Friday's Click this  link!

3/6/19 - Moon Cycles

Hi and Welcome to  Charmed Angel 444  Card of the Day! The cards will be now be pulled, typed and uplifted by Leanne. All cards will be interpreted by Charlene. Today's card is  Moon Cycles Talk about timing here.  This card literally fell out of the deck as I was shuffling.  The angels are definitely trying to tell us something here. The New Moon is Tonight March 6, 2019! Let's talk about what this cards means to you! Time to focus on your  desires  and  intentions . Spend time looking at the  moon  and notice how you feel as it  cycles .  Take note of your  moods .  You will be more in touch with its  magic . Thanks for joining us today! -  Charlene & Leanne !!! To Book an Appointment! Click  Here ! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website &  Twitter To Purchase any of ...