
Showing posts from September, 2016

Capricorn Angel Card Reading for October 2016


9/30/16 - New Love

Image  Presents... Today's General Card - New  Love  This card means you will soon meet someone or you may have recently met someone who may potentially become a  partner  in your life. This card validates that a recent connection you had with a person was mutual and real. You deserve this  love , keep your  heart  open! MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW!  CLICK  HERE  FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

9/29/16 - Consult an Expert

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents... Today's Card - Consult An  Expert You are venturing into a new area where other people could  assist  you by offering you new  ideas  and information, as well as the benefit of their  expertise . Just remember that it's not a sign of weakness to ask for help.  Affirm that you  want to attract helpful, knowledgeable people in your life. Be specific about what type of help you need, and what kind of assistance require, and this person will come to you without delay.. MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW!  CLICK  HERE  FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

9/28/16 - Protection

Image  Presents.. Today's Card -  Protection Your prayers for the  safety  of your family and friends have been heard. When you ask heaven to watch over you, your loved ones, your home etc, your prayers are instantly answered. Clear your mind of is good. MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW!  CLICK  HERE  FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

9/27/16 - Play Time

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card -  Play  Time  The card tells us to find some time for  play . You have been working so hard lately you need some time to  release  and have some  fun ! Whether it's creative fun or going to the gym, get moving...enjoy the day! MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW!  CLICK  HERE  FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

9/26/16 - Financial Flow

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Financial Flow Your positive thoughts are bringing you to a new level of abundance .  Keep visualizing what you want, and you will see increased opportunities in your personal and professional life.  MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW!  CLICK  HERE  FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

9/25/16 - Higher Consciousness

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Higher Consciousness This card is validating any dreams or feelings you have been having lately. You need to take some time for you and get away from stress.  You can go for a walk in nature, go on a retreat.  But what you are experiencing now is guidance from your true self.  MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW!  CLICK  HERE  FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

9/24/16 - Feeling Safe

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Feeling Safe This card is showing that some of you are feeling a little unsafe or insecure lately. There is no need for worry.  The angels are telling you they are there and are protecting you.  If you feel this way, take a moment to talk to them, they are always there to listen . Say this affirmation to yourself if you are feeling this way. "I am safe and protected at all times."  MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW!  CLICK  HERE  FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

9/23/16 - Volunteer

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Volunteer This card is saying to make time to volunteer to help someone or help with something that has meaning to you. Remember when you give , you also receive in return.  MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW!  CLICK  HERE  FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

9/22/16 - Motivation

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Motivation Your motivation is changing, what once interested you doesn't anymore.  You need to deal with what is going on directly in your life or change it.  If you feel you have "burnt out" from your job or your life in general, you need to find something else that works for you. Bring back your energy by maybe joining the gym, finding a new hobby or doing something you used to enjoy before jumping the gun on your current situation.  Remember, whatever you decide, it must still give you financially what you need before walking away from responsibilities. Be honest with the people around you about your intentions.  It's time to head in a new direction.   MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW!  CLICK  HERE  FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and...

9/21/16 - Mookaite Jasper

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Mookaite Jasper I decided once again to pull from the Sage Goddess Deck, the cards are beautiful it's so easy to be drawn to them.  If you like any form of crystals, you will understand why.  This card promotes healing to the body. It is also telling you to be aware of what is good for you in your life.  Know you are beautiful in every way! MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW!  CLICK  HERE  FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

9/20/16 - Pyrite

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Pyrite This card comes from the Sage Goddess deck and means it's time to lift your spirits if you have been feeling out of sorts. Carry Pyrite to attract abundance plus boost your confidence . Trust in your own abilities and have faith you are in the right direction, and you will see through whatever project you are doing to completion. MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW!  CLICK  HERE  FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

9/19/16 - Notice the Signs

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 .com Presents..  Today's Card - Notice the Signs Have  faith . The  angels  are sending you signs that you are on the right path. It could be in the form of  feathers ,  coins , butterflies, or repetitive dreams. These signs are guiding you to your hearts desires. MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW!  CLICK  HERE  FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

9/18/16 - Stand Your Ground

Image  Presents.. Today's Card -  Stand Your Ground You know in your heart you are doing the right thing.  Don't let anyone sway your decisions.  If someone tries to make you change your mind, don't be afraid to tell them how you feel. Stand your Ground! Not will it just make them see your side, but it will show them that you're a force to be reckoned with. In the end it will build your  self-confidence  and make other people  respect  you more! MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW!  CLICK  HERE  FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

9/17/16 - A Win-Win Situation

Image Presents.. Today's Card - A Win-Win Situation Instead of focusing on differences you have with others, try working together. You may find that being open to others ideas will bring solutions to any issue. MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW!  CLICK  HERE  FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

9/16/16 - Six of Action

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Six of Action What a great day for you. Hard work and wise choices leads to  recognition , awards or even promotions ! Whatever goal you have your eye on will work out just the way you planned. Congratulations! MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW!  CLICK  HERE  FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

9/15/16 - Sapphire

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Sapphire I decided to pull from a new deck that I received as a gift. This deck is from the Sage Goddess . The Sapphire represents the throat and third eye chakra . This card says that you need to learn to communicate what you want to people, even if you have to be a little more expressive in getting your point across.  MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW!  CLICK  HERE  FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

9/14/16 - Exercise is Key

Image Presents.. Today's Card- Exercise is Key! In this card Archangel Raphael is telling you that you need to add exercise as part of your daily routine. It'll help you reduce your stress levels, strengthen your body and help in healing. MY BEST SPECIAL OF 2016 IS HAPPENING NOW! CLICK HERE FOR MORE! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

9/13/16 - Laughter is the Best Medicine

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Laughter is the Best Medicine Archangel Raphael   wants you to see the humor with in all the drama around you, so you can detach and lighten up. He knows it's difficult to smile right now, but everybody needs a good  laugh once in a while. Give yourself permission to do so, it will do you good. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

9/12/16 - Indigo and Crystal Children

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents... Indigo and Crystal Children Since this card was the "jumper" card for today, it seems fitting it happened on the first full week of school for some students.  Here's to our school teachers, Cheers to another school year! Your  life's purpose  involves helping and  teaching  children.   With your help they will have a bright future. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

9/11/16 - Overcoming Difficulties

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents Today's Card -  Overcoming  Difficulties Most recent challenges you faced have made you  stronger  and taught you new lessons. Instead of becoming bitter you've opened your heart with  compassion  towards people in similar situations. Let go of any blame. Stay  positive ! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene 8/

9/10/16 - Follow Your Dreams

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents. Today's Card - Follow Your  Dreams It's time to take charge of your  schedule . Make a list of your  priorities  in your life. Do not type them on a computer, handwrite them on a sheet of paper and place them where you can see them! Now each week set aside time to work on one part of the list. That way you will find you will invested your time wisely and doing exactly what you intended to do all along to reach your  dream . Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

9/9/16 - New Location

Image  Presents.. Today's Card - New  Location This card is showing that a change is coming your way.  Whether it's in a form of receiving a new  job  that may having you  moving  to a new area, or you just thinking of  moving  in general, trust this is the time to do it. It will be bring major  improvements  to your life. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

9/8/16 - Cleanse & Detoxify

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Cleanse & Detoxify The angels are telling you it's time to eliminate things that aren't good for your well-being. This includes foods that you may be sensitive too, and relationships that maybe causing you issues. Doing this will help you live a healthier life.  Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene