
Showing posts from August, 2016

8/31/16 - Visualization

Image  Presents... Today's General Card -  Visualization Visualize  only what you truly want, avoid seeing what you don't.  You see yourself having a  happy ,  healthy ,  abundant  life.  Release all fears, see the magic! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

Virgo Angel Card Reading for September 2016


Scorpio Angel Card Reading for September 2016


Let's Talk about Mercury in Retrograde! Presents.. Mercury in Retrograde Here is a video to help you get through this time. Please Click the link to see the video on Youtube. Please like, share, and subscribe.   Should you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me! Namaste! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

8/30/16 - Divine Magic

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card - Divine  Magic This card tell us it is a time to  focus  on what you truly desire. If you aren't sure what you truly want, then it's time to ask through prayer or meditation. This is the time for  Miracles !! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

8/29/16 - Watch Your Thoughts

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Watch Your  Thoughts The angels are asking you to keep only  positive   thoughts . Let go of any negative thinking by i dentifying  and replacing them now with a  positive  affirmations of what you truly desire.  Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

8/28/16 - Trust Your Intuition

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Trust Your Intuition This card is telling you to trust and follow your feelings . You know in your heart that what you are feeling is the right thing to do.  Don't second guess yourself. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

8/27/16 - Make Music

Image  Presents.. Today's Card - Make  Music Today's card is telling you to surround yourself with  music . Whether you  listen  to it, play an instrument, or  dance  to it, notice how you feel when you hear your favorite songs.  Recognize how it heightens your mood and makes you feel wonderful. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

8/26/16 - Be Honest with Yourself

Image  Presents.. Today's Card - Be  Honest  with Yourself It's time to stop hiding your true feelings and be  honest  about something that is happening in your life. Take a minute to stop, breathe and release the feelings of anger, depression and feeling stuck. Meditation can help with this.. It's time to be  happy  again. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

8/25/16 - Raising Your Standards

Image  Presents.. Today's Card - Raising Your  Standards This is in ALL parts of your life. You need to stops saying "I can't afford this" or "He or she is too good for me".   You  deserve  the best in life . Get out of the negative and look towards the  positive . Write a list of  affirmations  of things that you like and be  grateful  for everything that you have.  Wishes turn into reality. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

8/24/16 - Creative Writing

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card -  Creative Writing Time to pick up that pen. Do it for your own enjoyment or as a private  journal . You may find you have such a  talent  that its worthy of  publication . Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

8/23/16 - Brilliant Idea

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents...  Today's Card -  Brilliant   Idea Ask  for it, and be willing to  receive .  All the  support  you need and the  idea's  you have are coming to  fruition , just ask  Archangel Uriel  for support. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

8/22/16 - Perfect Timing

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card - Perfect Timing Your positive thoughts and  affirmations  are starting to work.  Stop procrastinating and take action. Take advantage of any of your spare time use it to  achieve  your goals. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

8/19/16 - Soul mate

Image Presents... Today's Card - Soul Mate This card comes out when you start to question yourself about a particular person. Is it possible you ran into someone lately you haven't seen in a while and things were different?  Did you feel an instant connection with them this time but never considered them before? Now are you asking yourself, "Could this be my soul mate ?"  With this card the answer is Yes.  As most of you know, we all will have many soul mates in our lives that you will feel a instant connection with. This card confirms that this person will be walking into your life again soon.  Keep your heart open, good things are coming! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

8/18/16 - Notice the Signs

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 .com Presents..  Today's Card - Notice the Signs Have  faith . The  angels  are sending you signs that you are on the right path. It could be in the form of  feathers ,  coins , or repetitive dreams. These signs are guiding you to your hearts desires. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

8/17/18 - Moon Cycles

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card -  Moon Cycles What an amazing card to "Fall out of the deck today!" Especially since the Full Moon is on the 18th of August and it's considered the "Sturgeon Moon."  This card is telling you it is time to focus on your  desires  and  intentions . Spend time looking at the  moon  on the 18th and notice how you feel as it  cycles .  Take note of your  moods .  You will be more in touch with its  magic . Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

8/16/16 - Inner Power

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Inner Power This card you are being asked to release any fears you have about being powerful .  Keep your confidence high, take care of yourself as a whole. It's time to work on your dreams and meditate.   Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

8/15/16 - Hello From Heaven

Image  Presents... Today's Card - Hello From Heaven! You're loved ones are with you now. You may have seen them in a dream , or may have felt their presence.   It's a sign to let you know they want you to be happy . Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

8/14/16 - Angel Therapy

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card -  Angel Therapy Have you asked  angels  for help? Take a few minutes to close your eyes and tell the  angels  what you need help with. Be open to  receiving  help as it comes to you. When you receive it,  follow  it.   Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

8/13/16 - Gentleness

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card -  Gentleness This a day to take a  deep breath  and take some time for yourself.  Listen to  relaxing music ,  meditate  or just shut off the phone and do something that is calming to you. If you can't do that, try to  avoid conflict , and engaging in anything that can upset you. Take a few deep breaths and walk away from  negative situations . Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

8/12/16 - Overcoming Difficulties

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents Today's Card -  Overcoming  Difficulties Most recent challenges you faced have made you  stronger  and taught you new lessons. Instead of becoming bitter you've opened your heart with  compassion  towards people in similar situations. Let go of any blame. Stay  positive ! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene 8/

8/11/16 - Ace of Autumn

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Ace of Autumn You will soon be receiving some help in the form of advice , assistance or money to help you put together your upcoming project.  Use this resource wisely.  Set up some long term goals to have a successful future!  Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

8/10/16 - Remember Who You Are

Image  Presents.. Today's Card - Remember Who You Are You were brought into this world in your own perfect way.  You bring to the table  wisdom  far beyond what you think.  Don't be afraid to show the world what you know and your  accomplishments . When you succeed you inspire other people.  Be Bold! Be Awesome!  Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene 8/

8/9/16 - The Chariot

Image Presents.. Today's Card - The Chariot You are great at  balancing  situations. You can see all sides, makes great  decisions , gain  approval  and go the distance to to get things accomplished!  You are  respected  and recognized for a job well done! It's time to Celebrate what you have achieved! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

8/8/16 - Ten of Summer

Image Presents... Today's Card - Ten of Summer This is the day to find time to spend with family , loved ones, and people you consider family.  Showing love and support to people who are close to you will come back two-fold. Being with these people will bring much joy and happiness in your life! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

8/7/16 - Problem Resolved

Image  Presents.. Today's General Card - Problem  Resolved You are soon going to be receiving good news about a problem that has been bothering you.  It maybe about a relationship, health issue, a career opportunity, etc.  Don't stress on how this will happen, just take a deep breath and feel  grateful  that the angels are there to help you through this. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

8/6/16 - Laughter

Image  Presents... A milestone for me, and I get to share it with all of you! This card is the 500th card since I started doing my daily readings!  Thank you for all your Likes, Shares and Subscribes to My Blogs, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube! Today's Card  is  Laughter Things have been getting way too serious lately. It's time to stand back from your situation and  laugh  a little. It makes us see ourselves in a situation more objectively. Take time today to go see a movie, read a funny book or just hang out with some friends. It'll do you good. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

8/5/16 - Chemistry

Image  Presents.. Today's Card -  Chemistry This card means you are drawn to another person. There are various scenarios for this card.  For a single person, if you feel pulled toward another unattached person, then this is "go head" you need to make a connection.  However; if you are currently attached and become attracted to another, this is going to make you weigh your options and consider the consequences of your actions. Remember, chemistry is the initial time in a relationship where there is playfulness, passion, sparks and caring gestures, but you need to think about where this could end up.  If you are attached, just think it through, is the pleasure of now worth the possible issues later? Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now ...

8/4/16 - Family

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents. Today's Card -  Family This card can have various meanings, however, being it's the summer, it's time for the  family  to come together and  spend an evening or a  holiday  /vacation together. Take the time to reconnect, laugh, and enjoy each other's company.  If there are any issues, clear them up while you are together. You don't get the chance to spend time together that frequently, take advantage of it.   Enjoy it.  Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

8/3/16 - Sensitivity

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card -  Sensitivity There's no such thing as being too  sensitive . Your sensitivity helps to know the truth about situations and people. It's important for you to trust and follow  hunches ,  intuitions , and  impressions . Know that it is safe for you to feel deep emotions, it's part of who you are.   Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

8/2/16 - Relationship Harmony

Image  Presents..  Today's Card -  Relationship  Harmony There are always "two sides" to every story. Stay focused on the truth as much as possible... You are commended for your role in bringing  peace  to a situation. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

8/1/16 - Take Back Your Power

Image Presents Today's Card - Take Back Your Power It's time to set out your intentions and make them a reality .  Make a list, write them in affirmation form, say them over and over. Ask for guidance and signs from above to help you manifest what you truly want! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene