
Showing posts from July, 2016

7/31/16 - Tourmaline

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Tourmaline Today you focus on getting rid of any negative energy from both your body and home.  You can use aromatherapy oils, incense sticks, smudge sticks or even holy water.  This will help you release the stress from my body and mind and reminds you to remain positive.  Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

7/30/16 - Strengthening Bonds

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Strengthening Bonds This is a great day to strengthen bonds with all your relationships. You need to be realistic about what you can offer and what people can give back to you in return. If you are relaxed and sensible in your approach with people, they will do the same. This will bring on more secure relationships and attract new people as well.    Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

7/29/16 - Move

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Move This card is about action !  You need to be proactive when it comes to  your heart. If you are looking to meet your soulmate , get out and meet people. Sitting home and wishing will get you nowhere. If you aren't happy with your current relationship, you are the only one who can change it.  Don't wait for other people, you are the one who makes your own future . Take the necessary steps to be happy! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

7/28/16 - Letting Go

Image  Presents.. Today's Card - Letting Go You have been struggling with a problem.  You need to stop thinking about it because negativity brings more negativity.  You need to release this problem to your creator or the universe with an affirmation .  Something like, "I let go of this situation and everything turns out perfectly."  Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

7/27/16 - Pay Attention

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card...Pay  Attention Pay  attention  to conversations you may over hear or comments made to you by others. Anytime you hear, feel, see something more than three times in a short period of time, it warrants you to pay close  attention . Use these  signs  as  guidance  from heaven to steer you to your divine purpose.  Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

7/26/16 - Holiday

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Holiday In the USA we call this a vacation , in other parts of the world its called a Holiday. This card is telling you that it's important to take some time off.  Your body needs some time to rejuvenate .You need to relax, spend time with family or signficant other, and clear your mind. It's worth the investment to get away for a little while, even if it's for a long weekend. This can put you in perspective about what you would like to accomplish when you return. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

7/25/16 - Zincite (Root Chakra)

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Zincite (Root Chakra) This card talks about your physical body .  A lot of the time we look in the mirror and start asking ourselves, do I look good in this?  Do I appear ok to others?  It's time to get back in touch with a healthy balance for yourself. Especially with the summer, we tend to do a lot of visiting and overindulging.  Pay attention to how your body feels after you eat something, if you don't feel right, change it.  This card is telling us that we recognize this, and we are ready to get back to a healthier lifestyle. What will you do to make yourself feel good right now? Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

7/24/16 - Zebra Stone

Image  Presents.. Today's Card - Zebra Stone ( Compassion ) After a long shuffle, this Card makes a second appearance this month.    You take care of everyone (including animals) and put yourself on the back burner. Today this card is telling you to take a little time for yourself, go to the gym, take a walk, read a book, get some "me time" in today.  You need to recharge those batteries once in a while. Don't feel guilty for wanting some time for yourself.  Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

7/23/16 - Playfulness

Image Presents... Today's Card - Playfulness So, when is the last time you had fun? If you don't remember, that's kind of a indication that you are way overdue to get out and enjoy yourself. Playtime is essential for any good relationship to survive. Set up a night out with your other half, a  " date night ." It doesn't have to extravagant, it could be just a fun night out with friends, playing at an arcade or catching a movie. Whatever it is you both like to do together. Go ahead, go out, laugh and have fun bring the romance back! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

7/22/16 - Chemistry

Image  Presents.. Today's Card -  Chemistry This card means you are drawn to another person. There are various scenarios for this card.  For a single person, if you feel pulled toward another unattached person, then this is "go head" you need to make a connection.  However; if you are currently attached and become attracted to another, this is going to make you weigh your options and consider the consequences of your actions. Remember, chemistry is the initial time in a relationship where there is playfulness, passion, sparks and caring gestures, but you need to think about where this could end up.  If you are attached, just think it through, is the pleasure of now worth the possible issues later? Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now ...

7/21/2016 - New Beginnings (Banksia)

Image Presents.. Today's Card - New Beginnings (Banksia) You have had some tough times recently, things are changing in a positive direction. What is coming now is going to be more smooth and safe.  You need to release toxic relationships, depressing jobs, and focus on your health. Just remember, releasing the past brings a brighter future!   Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

7/20/16 - Divine Magic

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card - Divine  Magic This card tell us it is a time to  focus  on what you truly desire. If you aren't sure what you truly want, then it's time to ask through prayer or meditation. This is the time for  Miracles !! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

7/19/16 - Make a Decision

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card - Make a  Decision You have been praying and asking for help from your angels and god. Before anything can happen, you need to let go of all your fears and worries. Make a  decision . Once you do,you can just  focus  on what you want.. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

7/18/16 - Family Harmony

Image  Presents.. Today's Card -  Family Harmony It's time for some healing to begin.  Have patience, if one person in particular in your family is frustrating you, think of a few "real" reasons to try to  forgive .  Yes, I know some of you want nothing to do with this person, but sending this person (no matter who frustrated you are) blessings and prayers will release your anger/frustration with them. Give it now to god. Let him work on how it will improve things, it's now out of your hands. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

7/17/16 - Self-Reliance

Image  Presents Today's Card -  Self-Reliance It's time to stop listening to people who are bringing negativity into your world. Do what you know is best for you and go for your  dreams . Listen to your  inner voice , it won't steer you wrong. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

7/16/16 - Go Forward Fearlessly

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Go Forward Fearlessly This card is telling you to move forward with your plans. You have the confidence now to start a new business, start a new relationship, leaving a situation that no longer serves you or whatever.. No matter what it is, this is the right decision for you.  Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

7/15/16 - New Love

Image  Presents... Today's General Card - New  Love  This card may mean you will soon meet someone or you may have recently met someone who may potentially become a  partner  in your life. This card validates that a recent connection you had with a person was mutual and real. You deserve this  love , keep your  heart  open! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

7/14/16 - Awakening Your True Self

Image  Presents.. Today's Card -  Awakening  Your True Self As they say..When One Door Closes, Another Opens..Well this is when you find your True Self Again... You just went through a tough period. You gave up on who  you  are just to please another person. Its time to get back to your old self. You find interest in things you used to love to do. Call your friends, have a get together. Let these changes occur, see your life  change  for the better. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

7/13/16 - Get Some Rest

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Get Some Rest You have been running at high speed lately.  This card is telling you that it's time to slow things down and bit and relax .  Pay attention to your body's signals. If you need to, change your diet, get more exercise and get more sleep. This is get your body back to optimal health ! Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

7/12/16 - New Idea

Image Presents.. Today's Card - New Idea You are on the right track with your current project. Trust your feelings and set a schedule to complete it by. It's a good time to tell a trusted friend of your idea, because they will keep you motivated to get it done by the date you want.  Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

7/11/16 - Kindness

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Kindness Just like the card reads...find a reason to be kind today.  Pay attention to the significance of every thought and action today, you will begin to develop a habit. This energy attracts new and loving friends into your world. Watch the rewards that will come your way if you do!      Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

7/10/16 - Clairaudience

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card - Clairaudience You are hearing  repetitive  messages asking you to  improve  a situation between you and others. Pay attention to everything others are saying to you and think about it in your own mind. You will be glad you did.  Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

7/9/16 - You Are Safe

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card - You Are  Safe Let go of all your worries to  Archangel Michael . He is there surrounding you and your loved ones with love and light. You are  safe  at all times. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

7/8/16 - Ask for What you Want

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card - Ask for What You Want It's now time to tell the universe what you want. Write a list of your  desires . Ask others for help and  accept  what is being offered. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

7/7/16 - Listen

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card -  Listen Angels are asking you to talk less and  listen  more. Give your worries to them and trust they have heard your prayers. Take some  quiet  time for yourself. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene

7/6/16 - Everything's Okay

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Everything's Okay The Angel's know you are concerned with a current situation.  This card is to let you know it's going to be okay. Give yourself a break. Go out, get some fresh air, spend time with family and friends and make sure you eat healthy and get enough sleep.  The more centered you are, the better things become. Thanks for joining me today! Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite & Google + at and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and Now on Youtube at  Charmed Angel Reader Charlene