
Showing posts from February, 2016

2/29/16 - Family Harmony

Image  Presents.. Today's Card - Family Harmony It's time for some healing to begin.  Have patience, if one person in particular in your family is frustrating you, think of a few "real" reasons to try to forgive .  Yes, I know some of you want nothing to do with this person, but sending this person (no matter who frustrated you are) blessings and prayers will release your anger/frustration with them. Give it now to god. Let him work on how it will improve things, it's now out of your hands. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

2/28/16 - Parenting and Children

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Parenting and Children When pulling this card, it can signify various things.  A new child coming into the family, a new family member being brought into the family by marriage and the return of a family member you have lost contact with.  These changes come with the intent of a positive happy outcome. This will bring enjoyment to everyone involved.  Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

2/26/16 - The King Of Spring

Image Presents.. Today's Card - The King the Spring This is a a strong male figure who is in your life is or is coming into your life who has great presence.  This person is  motivational and inspirational , and is a great leader in may ways.  You will want this person in your life because they will be there to support and advance your career. This person has many connections and is good with money.  Ask for advice or be ready to take the ride with this person, they will help you with what you need to get ahead. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

2/25/16 - The Lovers

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents Today's Card - The  Lovers When this card appears, there is a significant  relationship  about to enter into your life. If you are already in one, this shows  positive  changes or a need to make an important decision that affects the heart. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

2/24/16 - Patience

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents..  Today's Card -  Patience If you are feeling rushed, unhappy or stressed, its now time to be more aware of your surroundings.   It's time to slow down and " smell the roses ". Enjoy the process of realizing your  dreams . Feel  gratitude , each moment brings you  manifestation  into a substantial form. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

2/23/16 - Victory

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents...  Today's Card -  Victory Your focus and  dedication  have resulted in a blissful  manifestation . You feel peaceful now. Know with all that you have done, the future will be taken care of in a  positive  way, enjoy the present moment.  Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

2/22/16 - Trustworthy Guidance

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 .com Presents.. Today's Card -  Trustworthy   Guidance Believe in your  ideas , you can trust them. Your angels are there to support you. Don't worry about the details they will take care of themselves. It is safe to make  changes  and move forward. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @CharmedAngel444

2/21/16 - Miracle Healing

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Miracle Healing You have been praying and heaven has heard your situation. Tell God "I can not deal with this situation any longer."  Give the situation to god. Thank him for taking care of it and detach from it. You will start accessing the healing through faith and gratitude . Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

2/20/16 - New Opportunity

Image Presents.. Today's Card - New Opportunity A new opportunity is going to be offered to you. Don't feel intimidated to move up to the next level.  You need to trust this is the right move for you, it's a gift .. embrace it! Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

2/19/16 - Romantic Partner

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card -  Romantic  Partner Romance is a state of requires playfulness and creativity... By pulling this card, a new wave of  romance  is coming your way. It could manifest itself in a number of ways, such as meeting a new  partne r who makes your heart sing, or a  rejuvenation  of a romance with a current love. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

2/18/16 - Awakening Your True Self

Image  Presents.. Today's Card -  Awakening  Your True Self As they say..When One Door Closes, Another Opens..Well this is when you find your True Self Again... You just went through a tough period. You gave up on who  you  are just to please another person. Its time to get back to your old self. You find interest in things you used to love to do. Call your friends, have a get together. Let these changes occur, see your life  change  for the better. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

2/16/16 - Kick Up Your Heels

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card - Kick Up Your Heels This is the Second time in a month this card has appeared.  When this happens, it tells us that being inside (for those who are dealing with the cold months, are getting cabin fever)  you have had enough. For some, this can be almost disheartening.  It's time to change that... You are longing for some  excitement . It's time to enjoy yourself for a change. Do something for you. Book a trip, throw a  party , go  dancing . Doing this gives you fresh  perspective , and this is a chance to rekindle old relationships.  Entertaining  is just a great way to enjoy yourself. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

2/15/16- Balance

CharmedAngelCardReader444.Com Presents.. Today's Card - Balance This is one of the tarot's major arcana cards. If you are feeling anxiety, It's time to take a breath, take a walk and think things through. It will help you come up with resolutions with others with the positive results you need. Take your time making a decision. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

2/14/16 - Past-Life Relationship

Image Presents Today's Card - Past-Life Relationship Today's card was pulled from the Romance Angels Oracle Cards Deck by Doreen Virtue. I felt it was appropriate because today is Valentine's Day. Have you ever met someone and feel like you've known this person from somewhere? Or you meet a person and have instant chemistry? You immediately realize there is "something about them?" What you will realize with this card, is this person is someone you need in your life.  Whether or not this person becomes your best friend, soulmate or a life partner, this person will be there to help you spiritually and grow as a person as a result. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

2/13/16 - Eight of Summer

CharmedAngelCardReader444.Com Presents.. Today's Card - Eight of Summer This card represents a major life change. The situation you are in no longer serves you. It could be that you are looking for a new job , to relocate , or end a current relationship. You need to evaluate your situation completely then you will find your true happiness . Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

2/12/16 - Your Wish Is Granted

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Your  Wish  Is Granted Your thoughts are  manifesting  into form very quickly, so be sure that your silent  prayers  and spoken words are aligned with your  desires  and not your fears. Trust in the  universe . Stay centered and  peaceful  as possible because negativity can only block your desire. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

2/11/16 - Rest

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Rest This card is telling you to slow down,  rest  and be gentle with yourself right now. You can put things on hold just for today, there is no urgency today to get everything done. Take some time for yourself rest and take a nap if needed. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

2/10/16 - Self-Reliance

Image  Presents Today's Card - Self-Reliance It's time to stop listening to people who are bringing negativity into you world. Do what you know is best for you and go for your dreams . Listen to your inner voice , it won't steer you wrong. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

2/9/16 - Go For It!

Image Presents Today's Card - Go For It! There is no more need for hesitation. The angels are encouraging you not to look back, keep going forward because whatever you are working on will have a successful outcome . Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

2/8/16 - Steady Progress

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card - Steady  Progress   You are on the right path, even if it feels like you're moving slowly. Focus on your  progress  instead of expecting perfection from yourself. Look at how far you have come, how many lessons you have learned and how many people you've helped.  Appreciate  yourself. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

2/7/16 - Cupid

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card -  Cupid The Angels did hear your desire for  romance . Surround yourself with  romantic  beauty such as  roses  and  candles . To get any desired  romance  you must give up any emotional hurt to the angels and release them.  Decide what you want in your love life. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

2/6/16 - Be Honest With Yourself

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Be Honest with Yourself It's time to stop hiding your true feelings and be  honest about something that is happening in your life. Take a minute to stop, breathe and release the feelings of anger, depression and feeling stuck. Meditation can help with this.. It's time to be happy again. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

2/5/16 - Beloved One

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Beloved  One Love  is all around you now. Your thoughts  attract  what you want. Call on  Archangel Chamuel  to guide your thoughts and actions to bring  romance  in your life. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

2/4/16 - Your Desire Is Within Reach

Image Presents... Today's Card - Your Desire Is Within Reach Keep your thoughts positive , this will bring the outcome you are wishing for.  Believe in yourself! Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

2/3/16 - Beauty

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card -  Beauty Appreciate  yourself and how  beautiful  you are. Always have loving thoughts about yourself. Take some time for you. Go have a spa day, get a massage, a haircut, whatever makes you feel good about yourself. The more  positive  you are, the more you will attract others into your life. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

2/2/16 - Raising Your Standards

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Raising Your Standards You deserve  the best in life. Get out of the negative and look towards the positive . Write a list of affirmations of things that you like and be grateful for everything that you have.  Wishes turn into reality. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

2/1/16 - Make Music

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Make Music Today's card is telling you to surround yourself with music . Whether you listen to it, play an instrument, or dance to it, notice how you feel when you hear your favorite songs.  Recognize how it heightens your mood and makes you feel wonderful. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+