
Showing posts from January, 2016

1/31/16 - Awakening Your True Self

Image Presents.. Today's Card - Awakening Your True Self You just went through a tough period. You gave up on who you are just to please another person. Its time to get back to your old self. Let these changes occur, see your life change for the better. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

1/30/16 - Move Forward Fearlessly

Charmed Angel Card Reader Presents.. Today's Card - Move Forward Fearlessly It's time to go with your gut feelings, your dreams and impulses that you have been feeling for a long time. Even the tiniest steps will improve your life. Soon your dreams will become reality.  Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

1/29/16 - Flirt

Charmed Angel Card Reader Presents.. Today's Card - Flirt Flirting is being playful by making eye contact , giving a smile , and connecting with another person. Just a simple "Hello" can bring you a new friend or maybe a potential new partner. The more you do this, the more chances you will connect to more people. Most potential relationships happen through mutual friends. It's time for you to get out there and say "Hello" ! Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

1/28/16 - Daughter

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Daughter Whether you are one or have one, it's time to grow your relationship closer with your parents right now. Either you as a daughter or your child needs attention. Spend that much needed time with them however you can. Whether you pick up the phone and call or if you can go and see them, DO IT!... I love you is forever... Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

1/27/16 - All Is Well

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents..  Today's Card -  All Is Well Sometimes when we think something is a problem, it turns out to be a  blessing in disguise . Remember change is for the  better ! Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

1/26/16 - Winter

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Winter This card tells us that what we truly desire is realized in the winter months. This is the time we are best at completing projects, connecting with family members and starting to think about we truly want. Is it a new job , a new relationship , or maybe move to a new location. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

1/25/16 - Life Review

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Life Review It's time to look back on your life and see what you have learned .  These lessons will help you in decisions as you move forward . Take notice on what has and has not worked for you in the past so you don't repeat things that weren't good for you. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

1/24/16 - The Wheel

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents... Today's Card - The Wheel As we are in the last day of retrograde , we are seeing things that have been delayed start to get moving again. This will force us to see positive changes .  If you are looking into buying something or going on a trip after the 25th, do your research , you may have great luck finding a deal! Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

1/23/16 - Simplify Your Life

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents... Simplify  Your Life It's time to  simplify  your life. This means clearing out your home of anything that you no longer need. Canceling subscriptions publications and things that no longer need your time. Its time to get organized and be more  efficient  with your schedule. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and at Twitter  & @CharmedAngel444

1/22/16 - Contemplation Time

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents. Contemplation  Time This card indicates that you need some alone time. Just spend some time just breathing and relaxing and center yourself. Write down on paper what do you want to really do next. What is your true  desire ? Write down what you think should be the answer. Write down what your true  priorities  are, so you can structure what's really important to you. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @CharmedAngel444

1/21/16 - Divine Magic

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Divine Magic This card tell us it is a time to focus  on what you truly desire. If you aren't sure what you truly want, then it's time to ask through prayer or meditation. This is the time for Miracles !! Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

1/20/16 - Make a Decision

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Make a Decision You have been praying and asking for help from your angels and god. Before anything can happen, you need to let go of all your fears and worries. Make a decision . Once you do,you can just focus on what you want.. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

1/19/16 - Synchronicity

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Synchronicity You have been focusing on positive thoughts and prayers. You are going to start to notice things happening. Remember positive attracts positive ..keep up the great work... Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

1/18/16 - Play Time

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Play Time In the U.S. today we celebrate a holiday , a perfect time for this card. The card tells us to find some time for play . You have been working so hard lately you need some time to release and have some fun ! Whether it's creative fun or going to the gym, get moving...enjoy the day! Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

1/17/16 - Kick Up Your Heels

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Kick Up Your Heels You are longing for some excitement . It's time to enjoy yourself for a change. Do something for you. Book a trip, throw a party , go dancing . Doing this gives you fresh perspective , and this is a chance to rekindle old relationships. Entertaining is just a great way to enjoy yourself. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

1/16/16 - Romantic Partner

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Romantic Partner By pulling this card, a new wave of romance is coming your way. It could manifest itself in a number of ways, such as meeting a new partne r who makes your heart sing, or a rejuvenation of a romance with a current love. Thanks for joining me today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444  and Google+

6/11/18 - Listen

Welcome to Card of the Day! Today's Card is  Listen Angels are asking you to talk less and  listen  more. Give your worries to them and trust they have heard your prayers. Take some  quiet  time for yourself. Thank you for joining me! To check out my SUMMER BEACH SPECIALS THROUGH AUGUST 31st, 2018, click this link! I am Happy to announce I am now an Affiliate to  If you interested in any crystals, jewelry, perfumes or gifts, please click here! To find this and all the other card decks I pull from, check them out at " My Favorite Place " Find me on  Facebook , MyWebsite @ On  G+ Blogger  on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444 and on Youtube at  Charmed ...

1/14/16 - Ground Yourself

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents Ground Yourself  If you have been feeling  confused , "spacey", or  forgetful  this card explains it. You can ground yourself by  eating better , getting  outdoors  and enjoying whats around you. Go to a  park , work in your  garden , do something outside to help you bring back your  concentration  and  focus .  Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and at Twitter @CharmedAngel444

1/13/16 - Have Confidence

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents Have  Confidence Your angels are saying...You can do it!  You have all you need to move forward with any new  projects  with  confidence . Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

1/12/16 - Joy

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Joy A joyful outlook brings happiness into all areas on your life. Release and parts of your life that were hurtful so you can bring in the joy you deserve.  Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and at Twitter @CharmedAngel444

1/11/16 - Be Honest with Yourself

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's General Card Reading - Be  Honest  with Yourself It's time to be  honest  with your true feelings. You may be f eeling  overwhelmed with your feelings and have now have to face the necessary  changes  that your unprepared for. You deserve better. Trust your own  feelings  even if others don't agree. Don't give away your power to others. Don't get don't get caught up in the  illusion  that this is the way it has to be. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and at Twitter  & @CharmedAngel444

1/10/16 - Indigo and Crystal Children

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents... Indigo and Crystal Children Your  life's purpose  involves helping and  teaching  children.   With your help they will have a bright future. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

1/9/16 - Prioritize

Charmed Angel Card Reader  444 Presents.. Today's Card -  Prioritize What makes your heart sing? Make choices to  take charge  of your  schedule  and do things that you enjoy doing.  Focus on these areas then your  joy  will increase. Just keep in mind you must honor your priorities. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

1/8/16 - Four of Winter

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Four of Winter It's time to slow down. You have been running yourself at high speed for quite a while now. Take some time to rest . If you can't, find a few minutes out of the day to meditate . It will help focus you and reduce stress you maybe feeling. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

1/7/16 - Nine of Summer

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Nine of Summer This is the wish card. It's that time to close your eyes and make a wish or write it down on paper and hide it in a special place then release it to the universe . Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

1/6/16 - Three of Summer

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents.. Today's Card - Three of Summer This is what we consider the celebration card. There is always something to be grateful for. Joyful news is on the's a gift from heaven that will bring happiness . Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

1/5/16 - The Lovers

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents Today's Card - The Lovers When this card appears, there is a significant relationship about to enter into your life. If you are already in one, this shows positive changes or a need to make an important decision that affects the heart. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

1/4/16 - Ace of Winter

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444 Presents. Today's Card - Ace of Winter You are on the right path, you are just hitting some temporary road blocks. Have confidence in yourself, remain positive , and  communicate clearly to get your point across. Doing this, you will avoid any confusion and you will have the outcome you desire. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

1/3/16 - Follow Your Dreams

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents. Today's Card - Follow Your  Dreams It's time to take charge of your  schedule . Make a list of your  priorities  in your life. Do not type them on a computer, handwrite them on a sheet of paper and place them where you can see them! Now each week set aside time to work on one part of the list. That way you will find you will invested your time wisely and doing exactly what you intended to do all along to reach your  dream . Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444

1/2/16 - Beauty

Charmed Angel Card Reader 444  Presents.. Today's Card -  Beauty Welcome to 2016!  This is the perfect card to start the New Year and New You!  Appreciate  yourself and how  beautiful  you are. Always have loving thoughts about yourself. Take some time for you. Go have a spa day, get a massage, a haircut, whatever makes you feel good about yourself. The more  positive  you are, the more you will attract others into your life. Thanks for joining us today! Check us out on  Facebook , Our Website and on Twitter & Keen.Com @ CharmedAngel444