Weekly Forecast for October 24-31st, 2022! How about a little Hocus Pocus!
Good Morning! Welcome to the Card of the Day from CharmedAngel444.com . I’m Leanne here to bring you today’s card from the Hocus Pocus Deck by Minvera Siegal, Tori Schafer & Dread. Today's card is the Page of Candles. This card in the regular tarot would be considered the Page of Cups. For this card, you see Dani Dennison. One of the main characters. She was the little sister of Max. She was the desire of the Sanderson Sisters. However; Dani always had ideas of her own and outwit the witches. Take this week to come up with a new idea or opportunities may start showing up out of the blue! Jump on it! You don't want someone else coming up with that same idea and you lose out on what could be that "next million dollar idea!" Have a great day - Leanne #charmedange...